I know this may not seem like much, but I decided to follow long-lost advice from an online denizen and put a soft-boiled egg in my ramen for “extra protein”. I suppose I was just stressed with the stuff with the house going on, and decided to try something new.


But back in my pre-ETSU days, this person who I’ll just refer to as Jade (because I honestly don’t remember her online handle anymore), recommended that I “Dump egg in your ramen for extra protein! XD.” I thought it was a silly idea for all this time, but while I’m not of the mind to dump in the egg while boiling, I suppose I can try it this way.


It really didn’t taste bad, and I think I’ll be doing this a lot more often. Maybe I’ll get adventurous and start dumping more ingredients, too.

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This is the first time I’ve ever had a Jeep’s temperature senor tell me it was below freezing. And not even 30 or such. A freaking 26! I believe I was able to one-up a friend’s friend on Facebook with this photo, who was complaining later how “45 was too cold”. Ha. The New Jersey side of me laughs at you.

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When I started to help my Dad on the house today, I found this perfectly intact praying mantis out next to the wall studs. All complete, killed by the cold. We had frost last night and below freezing temperatures, so I immediately concluded it was the culprit.


This was a big mantis; for comparison to size, the wood it’s on is 4 inches across. When I had to ditch it, it did have a bit of weight to it.

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In 2007 I was coming to the realization that I was barely making headway with friends and social life at college. Everyone was so country, dating someone or people old enough to be your parents. I wasn’t part of the “I graduated from Morristown High School” group, the ghetto click or “redneck romeo”. I was really standalone, slowly discovering that there were more sociable people online than the people in front of me.

In February or March of that year I had started getting into contact with one of my cousins. He, his brother and another cousin were all attending East Tennessee State University, or ETSU. I hadn’t talked to them much earlier, but was beginning to learn that this mystical college was well within reach. All I had known that it was a big school and was more like a “university”.

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This is yet another book that should’ve been read in a month, but with my style, stared at it for six months then decided to read it one night when I was not in the middle of an Overwatch or Supreme Commander match.

I’ve always been a fan of Lemony Snicket’s work; I was familiar with a few of his A Series of Unfortunate Events books while growing up, though I hadn’t kept tabs on him after I turned 16. While browsing the bargain shelf in the young adult section in Books-A-Million during May, I ran across this book. At $4, who was I to argue?

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Week 6’s montage is up! At this point I’m playing Mercy 75% of the time, not quite a Mercy main but getting there.

Also due to a recent conversation with my brother (Robuster), he’s allowing me to post his POTG’s on my channel as well. So you’ll see a few in this video, but I’ll upload his separately from now on.

Apologies if the blending isn’t too smooth, I’m not at my regular facilities this November.

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This was something that was a long time coming. According to my Things app, I’ve had the idea of “putting Sheena from Tales of Symphonia on a bike” since the beginning of 2010. Glad to finally have it see the light of day.


I had real fun with this one in particular, especially with the background and setting up this nighttime “urban” ambience. City was a little tricky but I finally tweaked it to give it that night glow I wanted.


Lineart courtesy Christina Weinman.

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First time recording a “whole match”, which ended in disaster because of that dumb DDoS attack that kept happening. Nevertheless, we won!

This is an important match for me because its the only time that I had two strangers that didn’t know each other linked up. Every time I play in a group its pretty much a group of 3, or if its 4, the 4th person is someone that someone else knows (basically 2 pairs of people playing in that regard).

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