This was the first WritingPrompts I had done in 2018 on Reddit. It seemed fairly easy enough; overdramatize a mundane, everyday situation. I took the situation of my broken Jeep to task, transforming it into this story. Let’s see if you can spot how many technical references I make to a 42RE transmission.

Done in April 17, 2018.

Note: My writing for Reddit writing prompts is different for brevity. While this is a good example of my writing, I often omit backstory and several details to create a concise post. Please look at my other works if you’re looking for my more regular style of writing.

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This is a piece I had done earlier in the year, but had forgotten to post here on the site. Whoops.


But yes, this is a digital redraw of a piece I had done in 2009 on paper. I used my Cintiq on this one to redraw it, to great effect. I loved how it turned out and think its pretty interesting I actually finished this, as the original paper drawing was a WIP I didn’t complete.


To be honest, I really like how this came out. Especially with my better drawing skills, Jennifer really came to life here. Here’s that I can do her greater justice in the near future.

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This was a commission I did for someone on Fiverr; supposedly they were trying to open up an online shop with the theme being A-10 memorabilia. I had a lot of fun doing this; unfortunately this seemed to be a one-off project, so didn’t get to work on it more.

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Author’s Note: This was supposed to be a short episode for the end of the month, but actually ended up being just as long as a regular blog serial installment. So I apologize for not have the additional illustrations that would go along with such a lengthy piece. That aside, please do enjoy!

It was one of those odd times that Heather had actually experienced. Usually she was late, stumbling into the kitchen sloppily dressed. But this particular morning she actually had woken up in time with the rest of the household. The air was cooler, having sent her sleeping deeply the previous night. The daylight had changed and now resembled early in the afternoon. Her whole body knew that a change of season was upon them.

Today’s tasks were a bit mundane, mostly with clearing fallow grass from the back garden. There might be an errand into the inner town for Elizabeth, but only time would tell. At least she was able to take Fluff up and about.

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This took a bit longer than expected due to scheduling, but this was a piece I did based on this piece, where the OP’s friend had drawn him some sharks. I offered to digitize them and this was the final result.


The 3rd shark is my doing, as a free gift for taking too long with the original offer.

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This took a while to get realized, but I finally got this put together after this meme was passing around on 9GAG. Also apparently some other people carry on the same commentary as well, since all you do is stand, point and click.


However far it goes, at least it’s been visualized! Also was fun to do the obnoxious cover in style with those 90’s games. A lot of Cluefinders and those types of stuff I drew inspiration from.


Lineart courtesy Christina Weinman.

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This was one of these writing prompts off of Reddit I had the compelling urge to respond to. After all, I get to work in my anachronistic beach comber sketch! So I made a backstory for the character, pretended she was a painting and drummed this up.

Done in April 23, 2018.

Note: My writing for Reddit writing prompts is different for brevity. While this is a good example of my writing, I often omit backstory and several details to create a concise post. Please look at my other works if you’re looking for my more regular style of writing.

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After a big hiatus, I started doing Keymailer stuff again, and am slowly digging through my queue. What prompted this? Alex from Isolated Games, who wanted me to check out their game Between the Stars. Looks pretty spiffy so far! This game had a successful Kickstarter; while that may be over, you’re more than welcome to give them additional support when the game comes out!

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