This was an art piece that was supposed to get done near Christmas, but got delayed for various reasons. However, I’ve had doodled a connection I knew back in 2017, specifically drawing her with attire from the Janus Fairytale setting. I took this a step further and wanted to do a “mystery” piece to give as a gift for the holidays. Despite being late, I finally got this done either rate!


I was real happy with the background and the lighting, it’s been a bit since I did something that was foreboding but not directly spooky.


You can check out said connection, who’s name is Sandra Shuman! She does art coaching stuff and does a lot of interesting things. Do check her out here.


Lineart courtesy Christina Weinnman.

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So if you guys don’t know already, I’ve been working on a comic series based on stuff from the r/AntiMLM subreddit since May now. It’s been an on and off project for me and have a backlog, but it’s been a wonderful project to work on, especially since its the first time any of my projects have actually been recognized and followed.

Recently I approached Kennis the Menace, a Youtuber that covers some subreddits, asking her to give some coverage to the comics I did. She agreed and went ahead to make a video on it; the results are pretty interesting! Big thank you to her. Give it a look below, along with following her on social media linked below.



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This was a commission I did for someone off of Fiverr, for a sample layout of their poem book. This was a bit of fun to do, and I really  got a chance to experiment with the background a little. It does look a tad bit wonky in my opinion, and that’s because I think my figures are now starting to take a more realistic slant in proportions. That’s a good thing, I would think; except when you’re halfway in between styles.

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I saw this floating around on Instagram, and decided to follow the subgroup of people that did “Best 12” instead of #2018bestnine. I took my best piece out of each month and made the collage out of that. Most of these are in my gallery, some are missing as they’re not posted int he other sections of my site yet. But do enjoy; looking forward to how 2019’s will look at the end of the year.

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