So Wayc and I have a joke about the Giga Mermaid from the Shantae games, being a tad bit adventurous. One agreed scene is her going “Yahoo” or “Yeehaw” to some degree. I absentmindedly had posted over to r/ICanDrawThat for someone to possibly draw this idea.


And I apparently got a taker! k_veikur graciously drew up Giga Mermaid going “Yeehaw!”. Both wayc and I were thrilled, and couldn’t have asked for a better portrayal.


You can check out their Twitter and original post down below:

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This is more birthday art, this time for online buddy CMDR Taranava!


We have a joke about people that join MobiusPVE, attack players then feign ignorance. We call them Goldfish CDMRS, due to the perceived short memory of our “no PVP” rule. If you’re wondering why this is perceived as fishy (no pun intended), our group is all about no PvP. That’s the reason the group exists, and its very public knowledge of what it’s about. Someone joining Mobius then doing said actions are quickly scrutinized; you don’t join an well-known PvE server to do PvP.


That laid out, here we have Taranava taking care of unruly goldfish, Imperial Saber being put to good use. Having greeted them at the landing pad, she only finds out about the new players’ true origins, dispatching of them quickly.


This was actually based on another admin’s suggestion, requesting that I had her and some of her maids battling goldfish CMDRs. Looks like I may need to do a part 2 to fulfill his request.

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So I picked up this monstrosity when I went to Starbucks for a job interview earlier today. I don’t know what I was quite expecting taste-wise, but it certainly was very sweet and sugary, and tasted a lot like cotton candy. Definitely not like a mocha or cappuccino. I think I did get this because I missed out on that Unicorn shake the previous years.


Final verdict? Not bad. This is stuff for an easygoing road trip or hanging out with friends. Don’t get this if you’re in the mood to focus and want something stiff/regular.

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This was the first WritingPrompts I had done in 2019 on Reddit. I definitely fell in line, hook and sinker for the plot; write a story about being polite to the dragon, rather than defeating it for the goal. I decided to use an idea I ad from something I was writing in 2009, with a sort of OC based on me and a girl called Jennifer (whom you might’ve seen art for here in the past), going together through various settings like time travelers. I used the Reddit prompt to formulate a sort of “intro” story to that idea, which I’ll be springboarding off with in the future.

This is a two-part post, with the second post being published next week at the same time.

This version is also slightly edited, as I didn’t like how rough the first part was written on-demand when posting. The dragon and the warrior seemed too cardboard-cutout, and the events seemed to pre-planned.

Done in April 21, 2019.

Note: My writing for Reddit writing prompts is different for brevity. While this is a good example of my writing, I often omit backstory and several details to create a concise post. Please look at my other works if you’re looking for my more regular style of writing.

Original Post


Second Entry

I could see the clearing up ahead. My nose already scrunched at the smell of scorched flesh and smoke. I shook my head, focused on my task at hand.

I ran through my head what the old man had said back at the zen garden. Don’t go in starting a fight. Use wit. Appeal to him as your own friend. Give him a gift of interest.

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This was a sort of practical joke I did for someone who wanted a drawing of their wife yesterday. They asked for them to be drawn in a pinup format, but I instead drew them as a Cadian Imperial Guardsman. Fortunately he thought it was cute, and the wife thought she looked like she could be the leader in a “badass” comic.


Honest I surprised myself, as I got my proportions down pretty good here. The eyes were a great shocker to me as well, though I went for black dots as the person had real dark eyes. I’m slowly getting up to par to do better figures once again.

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This was based off an old idea that I’ve been playing around with in 2009, and came to light now that I was posting my Reddit writing prompt involving the two main characters. I never really visualized who their mentor would be, but with some time to think about it, I think she’d look a lot like a Notikan, perhaps even be related to them.


Either way, I was happy with the Tomcat, the color palette and getting the characters down. A few people who looked at this got the point straight across; they gathered it was some time travel fantasy story. As long as that point got across, I’m happy.

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This is the art process video for the Heather Halloween Special I wrote on 2018. You can read that here!

The concept for this art and story was based off of someone’s IRL account of their house having this “unnatural” sinkhole in the middle of their house, that always seemed to bend the floor out of shape. Poltergeist-like things and apparitions would always appear around that spot.I had sent the OP the artwork and letting him know I drew inspiration from it, and he thought it was pretty cool. So that was great.

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When I got involved with the Elite: Dangerous Mobius community, it didn’t take long for them to find out about my art. I especially took to drawing one or two of the admins with some of their commentary. Another admin later asked me to do a spread of most of their administrative team. I obliged, and while I had procrastinated on this, finished with this final project!

It’s fun, it gets used on their Facebook page and I still draw stuff for them. I actually do feel like I belong there, and it’s a great player group to play E:D with. o7, CMDR.

I don’t have the original hosted on many of my channels (nor is it posted out in public at the moment), but I’ll see about getting it on my site at least if not elsewhere.

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