
I’ve been drawing for quite a long time. I sadly can’t say I’ve been drawing for most of my entire life, but it’s safe to say I’ve been drawing for 1/3rd if not more of it.

As described in my previous story about deviantART, my art skills didn’t really take off until I had access to the platform. A couple of years before that I had taken a short three-week special course at Walters State in a summer drawing class. That helped up my skills a whole bunch over my pre-teen drawings. It wasn’t great, but it wasn’t terrible, either.

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You should have a bit of fun with this page! I get to delve into my Kashri species a bit, so enjoy.


While their meetup went well, Vash’na tells Benthessia about her encounter of a hun, which ends up resulting in her getting arrested by starbase security. At least we get a win, right?


This page drew from inspiration of two particular posts that was floating around the week I drew this; one user talking about Lipsense people at an airport, and another was a user who censored a face when talking about an LLR botique. So those two got incorporated into that.


Vash’na came out real well here for some reason. All her face markings were spot on.

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This was something I cooked up the same evening I got my used Intuos 4 tablet. I had also just bought a brush pack for traditional oil/watercolor patterns, so I was giving that a whirl too. This was quick and rough, nothing too developed. Also was trying to get used to using a big tablet like that at the time as well.

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I know it’s not much to look at, but this was a significant piece for me. I had gotten comfortable to walking into the ETSU DIGM labs on a whim to just use their PC’s for things, including the ones with the Cintiq 21UX tablets. This was the first drawing I did from start to finish, took me an hour one night when doing one of my classes that evening.


I knew at that point that I HAD to get one of those new Cintiq tablets for myself. That gave me the best drawing experience that no tablet had before.


So yes. Novia gives you happy belated Valentine’s Day wishes.

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While I was waiting for some evaluation results at the Walters State general office, I got to work with playing with some kid’s blocks they had sitting around. This was the final result; a rough version of the Vigilance from my to-be 2008 NaNoWriMo entry. Apparently the lady at the desk was somewhat impressed with it as well.

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When I was getting my feet wet back on the deviantART community, an artist by the name of Tonks_92 drew this picture from my Space Raptor stories. I liked it a whole lot, my cousin liked it a whole lot. In fact, he had it printed out and pasted to his computer hutch for a number of years. This is still a special piece for me because it kind of captures my ambition and ideal of the story for the time.

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This is a long blast from the past, when I was asking around on deviantART for people to draw my characters, this fellow did a pretty interesting take on my Jennifer OC and my main character out of the Space Raptors story.


Sadly the artist’s dA page is deactivated and I have no idea what happened to him, but if I recall his art style correctly, he did some pretty amazing stuff. I like to think he made it somewhere big doing illustrations.

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