
Hi everyone,

Recently I had a 90-day exclusive agreement with Amazon regarding the distribution of the first Michiko Bates book. This has recently ended, allowing me to push the book to other major retailers.


Cosplay courtesy of China Barbie.

Book one hit the three major outlets of iTunes, the Nook store and Kobo a few days ago, including Smashwords and Scribd. All are linked below:

The book will show up in other spots such as the Gardners Library, Oyster, Flipkart and a handful of other outlets that Smashwords distributes to.

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It’s been a long time coming, but my Michiko book has finally seen the light of day for publishing! Last touches were put on it this Sunday, and it hit Amazon’s Kindle market not too long after. Still going through announcements in all of my known channels with this joyous news.

You can get your copy to read below:


Thanks again for all those who backed the Kickstarter project, those on deviantART, and everyone else who’s shown interest in this work. Enjoy!

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Thought I’d drop in quickly and give you an official update on Michiko Bates and the progress it stands. I’ve been directing posts regarding art to go on the Tumblr periodically, but aside from the Kickstarter backers, haven’t really made an official statement in case something else gets majorly delayed. I think its safe to do so at this point.

Despite the Kickstarter failure, we still prodded on. Continued writing, continued drawing and whatever else. Now one year later, we’ve made a lot more headway that what we had originally planned. What had started out as a 40,000-50,000 word novel with 10 sketches turned out to be a 70,000 word novel with over 22 illustrations.

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Hi guys.

I’ve been slow setting up my new site, I know. I didn’t even get to sit down the past two weekends and put what I want on it. But the e-mail’s up, and the domain’s up so you can come here at least. I think the biggest hair-puller was getting an image slideshow to work…

First thing’s first, I am moving forward with my first public publishing project, the Michiko Bates Chronicles. And I need your help. I’ve started a Kickstarter, and I would greatly appreciate the traffic and any support you can offer. Link is below. I only have about two and a half weeks left, and I’m finding out that my introvert ways and lack of social networks are biting me hard in the rear for outreaches like this. I also started a tumblr posting some of the images and such with the project, so follow that too.

That said, I’ll hopefully have this updated by the end of the month. I’ll be adding things daily and taking the time to do so. Please subscribe and keep a tab on things.



Kickstarter Link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/956273198/michiko-bates-chronicles

Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/michikobatesbooks

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