
Something I threw together for a Facebook friend, as today is their birthday. Originally it was just going to be the cake, but while on a tangent I decided to just draw the new Doctor in a more retro outfit. I’ve never really watched or seen the new Doctor Who series after Matt Smith, and this is how I envisioned the new Doctor to be in a way. A sort of clean and trim Victorian kind of style. I did retain a version of her jacket, though.

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This is something I had doodled on Twitter awhile back. During one of Kizuna A.I’s video playthroughs of Detroit: Become Human, she had firmly declared “NO CARL” in English when her character was asked a question. Of course my mind went in a different direction and saw this instead. Sue my imagination for seeing Ai-chan actually pushing someone in a wheelchair around. >.>;;


Video clip for explanation (time-stamped for your convenience)

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When I started to get my feet wet on the Internet, not all of it went well. Quite the opposite. I was quite a newb, and my homeschooling background coupled with strict parents didn’t help. Then add that I wasn’t on it enough to get the hang of things. It was a very bad combination.

I talked to very few people online. But there was one person I was in correspondence with that I had met over an Atlantis fanfic. As time went on they introduced me to a site by the name of deviantART. I signed up in 2004 after hearing them mention they were on it, and slowly started to delve into what it had to offer. I do remember I had posted a few things but because of my social ineptness mixed with poor drawing skills, pieces were lackluster at best. I didn’t even have a proper scanner at the time.

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This had been sitting around for quite awhile. About two months before I got Overwatch in 2016, I asked Christina to take Widowmaker, put her in a shopping cart and come up with something. This was the end result.


Apparently it was such a good result, that Sombra’s VA and even Allanah retweeted it. Lots of people loved the idea of Widowmaker in a shopping cart for some reason, I guess.


(Lineart courtesy Christina Weinman)

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This was something that was a long time coming. According to my Things app, I’ve had the idea of “putting Sheena from Tales of Symphonia on a bike” since the beginning of 2010. Glad to finally have it see the light of day.


I had real fun with this one in particular, especially with the background and setting up this nighttime “urban” ambience. City was a little tricky but I finally tweaked it to give it that night glow I wanted.


Lineart courtesy Christina Weinman.

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