So! To kick off the first of my review posts, we start with a book. A very instrumental book in the creation of my blog program, actually.
Written by Margaret Mason, No One Cares What You Had for Lunch is a smallish paperback book I picked up from Books-A-Million in 2009 after my spiral from graduation. I was unable to find a job, lost most of my friends and was getting in hot water for “ranting” on Facebook. Yeah, long story.
I honestly wanted to learn how to blog short of typing angry feelings at the world. What should I blog about? What was okay to put on the Internet? How could I connect to someone by sharing what I experienced?
By then I was pretty much allowed to post what I wanted to at the time, so carving a new way online with my own two feet was left up to me. So yeah, enough of that. This is a book review, not another Storytime.

This was a close contender to A Dummies Guide to Blogging, however, What You Had for Lunch won out for price. Yes, I paid $7 bucks for it in the bargain pile. That was a chance buy, crossing my fingers and hoping that it was worth my money.