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This is the comic page that got the most attention. With over 400 upvotes on Reddit, getting posted both in other subreddits and even a Facebook group, it obviously struck a nerve with people. If it was good or bad, I have yet to see.


Now there was a censored version with this comic, and it was missing two frames of action. The subreddit was in a bit of a schism and I didn’t want the comic to feel like it was attacking anyone; but from the feedback I received, nothing was the matter and it was welcome. So I did the uncensored version a few months later.


This came on the height of a wave of posts over there, mainly from reps telling various people that their oils would cure things. From telling parents that it’d make their disabled kid walk again, to applying them to large open flesh wounds, and even a nutty mom who tried to douse her teenage son in essential oils to “get rid of his rebellious and moody behavior.” The latter especially served as a template for the mom in the comic.


Not much explaining here otherwise,  but it was fun to draw the squad in combat gear; took me a bit to figure out what kind of weapon Benthessia would use, but I kitted her with a shotgun as a nod off to Yorina’s armament. So please enjoy.


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Heather stood at the outside of the blacksmith’s shop, her thoughts a total mess. She had elected to wait outside, letting Janus return the rope they had borrowed. The last thing she wanted to do was to explain to someone what had happened. And she knew that the friendly blacksmith would ask her questions of what she actually did with the rope.

The door creaked open, Janus coming out down the steps.

“Did he take it?”

Janus nodded. He looked a bit somber himself, as if the joy had been wiped from his face. That look alone made Heather’s heart ache, hanging her head as she shuffled along behind him.

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Heather could hear Janus making his way down the hole. She waited pensively, feeling quite alone. How far had Janus gone in? Would he be all right? What was making the glow?

She wished he could’ve taken a lantern with him. Heather didn’t doubt that he had a source of light to go by, but it would’ve put her mind in ease. Her mind was overthinking what could happen or lie in wait.

She paced back and forth a little, listening the best she could. After a moment she looked up back at the hole.

“How are you doing? Are you all right?”

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The dull roar of moving wind filled Heather’s ears. She shivered a little, looking for some point of reference to orient herself. All she could see where rocks and narrow passageways. An eerie amber glow was everywhere, emanating from a hole in the wall. It was too far and small for her to reach in to see what it was though.

Still, she tried. Heather tiptoed and stuck her hand in, trying to reach the strange object without success.

As she tried to stretch further, a low groan reached her ears. Her frantic eyes looked about and saw a large dark form crawling towards her…

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