
A personal piece I did this evening, was sort of in a mood after hearing some people carry on about. One thing I will not understand about people from East Tennessee, is their inherent dislike of flying. Not just “I’m scared of flying”, but “I DON’T like flying.”


This piece specifically came about when one person I knew declared they would rather drive 15-17 hours someplace, and not fly a few hours to cover the distance. They were getting into a relationship with a friend of mine, and said friend sees not flying anywhere as an inconvenience. They complain how they want to go cross country, but can’t fly because their partner “doesn’t want to fly”, and eventually don’t go anywhere because it’s too far to drive.

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While I was on the fallout from all the friends I had, I had become strong in myself during the summer. That goes in varying degrees, but I took this photo one day while coming in after having gone for a run, snapping the photo. With me regarding Orion as a fighter/starship, I felt like a pilot pretty much. And the confidence showed; everyone both on dA and Facebook said I looked cool and collected. I wish the people I knew had the same thing to say; but hey, they’re not there, right?

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