
I decided to make my own philly cheesesteak recently, considering that it’s hard to get sandwiches or the like where I live. I used this guy’s recipe, minus the worcestershire sauce as I didn’t have any on hand. I also did have to use smaller bread because of the pandemic.


It came out pretty tasty, and got to add two different varieties of cheese and mushrooms. My cousin’s fiance approved as well. I’ll need to make these again sometime.

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This was a fun little crossover art freebie I did for @fungiwoman, who takes pretty spiffy mushroom photos on her Instagram account! Here I crossed her over with peeps from my Janus Fairytale setting, having a big get-together and swapping a variety of mushrooms. Elizabeth and company get a taste of Earth mushrooms, and fungiwoman gets some interesting samples of Talmeron fungi.

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This was an art piece that was supposed to get done near Christmas, but got delayed for various reasons. However, I’ve had doodled a connection I knew back in 2017, specifically drawing her with attire from the Janus Fairytale setting. I took this a step further and wanted to do a “mystery” piece to give as a gift for the holidays. Despite being late, I finally got this done either rate!


I was real happy with the background and the lighting, it’s been a bit since I did something that was foreboding but not directly spooky.


You can check out said connection, who’s name is Sandra Shuman! She does art coaching stuff and does a lot of interesting things. Do check her out here.


Lineart courtesy Christina Weinnman.

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This was in the works since last fall actually, but I only got around to getting it done within the past few days. But I’ve had this idea of taking a girl from each faction on Talmeron, and sticking them together as if they were getting ready for a harvest festival. This was the end result!


Lineart courtesy Christina Weinman.

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Not only is this an Eateries, I actually helped make this! Snazzy, custom flavored Red Baron pizza, the triple cheese brick oven variant. Fresh bell peppers, mushrooms and onions top this delectable dish, along with a tiny bit of shavings of habanero hot peppers for extra spice. Baked this to perfection on a pizza stone.


Why am I baking a pizza in the middle of the night? Family just came off the road from being out all day, and decided that pizza would be the best option instead of going hungry or cooking something complicated.


Too bad I missed the other stuff I cooked July 4th. Oops.

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This one was a tad bit of a doozy; you have Reddit to thank for this fusion.


I recently saw a picture of an English breakfast, namely with the tater tots, brisket steak, eggs and mushrooms. I wanted to give it a stab to the best of my ability, so I decided to try it this morning.


While I do lack the steak, I did have the mushrooms, eggs and tater tots. The eggs were friend and do contain chives. I cooked those in short order; the blueberries were for a dessert, but as I didn’t get to use it and they were getting old, threw them into the breakfast as well. Bread and cheese was Mom’s contribution.


It was pretty tasty; though I need to get a lot better at making my egg looked poached and photographic. Also my mushrooms always seem to not have a lot of flavor. Need to look into that in the future.

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It’s been awhile since I’ve treated myself to dinner, so I figured with actually getting out of the house this fall, it wouldn’t hurt to stop into Cheddars. Didn’t go too experimental this time around, stuck with the standard fare of onion rings, mac n’ cheese, mashed potatoes, honey dijon chicken, rice and mushrooms.


I do miss ducking into places like these nowadays.


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Recently I decided to try cooking my ramen a bit more fancier than straight out of the pack, and got really creative recently. I got to this point this evening with my ingredients; soft-boiled egg, some cut up bits of Morning Star Buffalo Wings, mushrooms and green onions. All of that into the above-normal size soup bowl, it actually makes a pretty good dinner by itself.


I also made one of these for my brother, and he absolutely loved it, mushrooms, eggs and all (he typically doesn’t eat those ingredients, so it was a miracle so to speak). Apparently the selling point for him was that the spiciness of the Buffalo Wings leeched out into the ramen gravy, making everything very tasty.


I’ll get you a recipe on how to do this sometime, do stay tuned!

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