
Decided to poke around with the Cintiq tablets in my classroom today. This was the result! I LOVE these things.


So I had a concept of what I was going to do for my Vector project, so I had to spend some time sketching out some stuff. I decided to do a vector of a spaceship flaming through space; realizing how spot on the tablets were, I decided to give doodle drawings a shot.


The result was a Sheena, Yukari and Ling Ling all going googly eyes at the pretty spaceship. Hence the name of the post, which roughly translates to “Ooooh, a beautiful space battleship!”


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This was something that’s been sitting around for awhile, but I had done this for my color theory class last semester. I had to use complementary color tones to show a piece and make a composition of; this was the result. Planetary Spacelines! As you can tell, I love using green, yellow and purple.


Acrylics on bristol board.

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This time and day was the first time I had gotten my first ever domain, I had used some of my school money and had my brother help me set it up. I never had my own website before; I so bad wanted to blog and share all my art on it.


While this was a small step, it was a big one for me. I remember even going out and buying a double mushroom and cheese pizza from Pizza Hut to celebrate the occasion. No free hosting, no nobody telling me what to post on it, no running out of hosting space. I was thrilled.


Lineart courtesy Christina Weinman.

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This is a project I cooked up while in my first DIGM class of the year at ETSU. It was a storytelling sequence in which we had to add sound effects and other things like voice acting, and tell a story in 3 minutes roughly. This was my project. It was a freelancer and a couple of his friends who are hired to return a ship Navigator along with a combat droid to a docked starship. Got criticized that this was more movie like but I guess I can’t win them all. Got a good grade, so that counts.

EDIT 2018:

Little did I know this would be one of the cornerstones for developing Dawnstar as time went on. My characters would morph into more original versions and veer off into something that I would be pleased with. It’s interesting to look back and see how far it’s come from simple sketches and this storyboard concept, even.

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This was something I was doodling on my tablet this evening. I’ve just felt isolated a bit and though I have people to talk to here at ETSU, it doesn’t feel real deep and I don’t think I feel like I fit in to do something more. My mind kind of wandered to doing something impactful with a girlfriend figure by my side; I usually draw my OC Jennifer in that role, but I guess the Sheena character from Tales of Symphonia was in my head at the time. Not sure how to find that at college, but it doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen from hanging out in a Christian outreach group, that’s for sure.

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When I was hanging out with my friend at Sherrod library, we found this random carrot half-stuck in the trash can on the way out. And this wasn’t a small carrot either; this was like a 1-foot kind in the big bags in the produce section.


Both of us were definitely baffled, and she couldn’t figure out why someone had a carrot in there in the first place. Third floor I believe.

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Something I did at the expense of a friend. They were always being random and silly, and I decided to show them what their silliness does when plugged into a Java program. This was the result of that; the values are supposed to be only taken by numbers, but crashes when her “OMG ITS MREE” is typed in instead.


Sorry, you’re not getting your test scores, it looks like.


Also, the background of the command prompt window is white because the teacher wants paper printouts of your work. I’m not a neat weirdo or anything like that.

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