
Okay, so this needs a little bit of explaining.


Back when I was taking Color Theory, we had to watch a movie called Exit Through the Gift Shop. While I’m not super artsy, it was actually an interesting documentary and I felt that it was quite compelling into showing the state of some pop art culture.


In the first part, a part was shown about a guy called Shepard Fairey, who made this campaign called Obey Giant. More or less it’s a simplified version of the face of Andre the Giant, often paired with the word “OBEY”. This was plastered around numerous places, even up to today. I spied my first variant of this icon in New York City on a billboard in Queens. I definitely felt “educated”, heh.


Well, lo and behold to my surprise when I saw this out in the wild at ETSU! This was little 2-inch square sticker, near their regular history museum on that path that ran near Gilbreath. It made me feel warm and fuzzy that someone was keeping up to date with the art trends.

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This was a request that deviant user Deer-Moss did for me during this summer. She was grateful and skilled enough to portray my concept of an alien crab that I doodled one day. The watercolor adds a really nice effect to it, making it look like it came out of a nature book. Also some other people were quite impressed with it, apparently.


Watercolor on paper.

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I drummed this up last night, thanks to IveeSparrow (NoraSR13) for producing two Dawnstar sprites for me! I think this is generally what I’m thinking for with the layout of the game. Definitely have a very long way to go with the art, but I hope I improve as I go through ETSU. Hey, big goals, right?

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Before I left home this evening, I saw how the lighting was hitting against my Sheena figure. It looked real nice, and also figured out I’d test the camera out on the iPhone. Color me surprised, it exceeds that of the HP717 I’ve been using for so many years.


Well, she has the entire desk to herself this Memorial Weekend. Maybe she’ll poke at Mass Effect behind her. Now if she could do other stuff in the meantime that’d be useful.

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This screenshot off my iPhone pretty much summed up my night life when at ETSU; listening to Touhou doujin music, chatting in online friends from deviantART from Skype, and up at the middle of the night working on something. As you can tell, I was a pretty big fan of Yukari at the time.

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When I was attending Japanese class, someone had drawn this “Hurr Durr” meme on the board. Nobody believed me when I told them that someone had drawn this on one of the boards, so I took it upon myself to snap this picture to share with them via text. Good thing I did, because it’s partially historic; this was one of the few instances of ETSU showing its embrace of memes for the brief period it existed.

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So during our 2nd to last project turn-in, one of my classmates Victoria Harrell was quite bored while we were waiting for the teacher to check our work. This was a result of that; she took cookies she was eating and put them on her bag as if it was a “face”. I supposed the “mouth” are the bag folds on the bottom.

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