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So this is a project I took on after seeing some stuff over on r/AntiMLM, but you can say that this would be my first full-developed comic for quite awhile! I definitely don’t plan to stop this series, so hang in there and I’ll keep putting pages out.


I actually have this on a vote, and the peeps over there get to vote who becomes Todd’s girlfriend, along with some general story plots and directions. You’ll see some of that reflected in the second page when it comes out.


And yeah, those text boxes kind of burn the eyes; I’ve never done a comic page before; I’ll get better as I go along.

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Artwork courtesy Christina Weinman

Last year I got to interview William from PetiteGames about his projects. At the time a comic was supposed to accompany the interview (making light of the abrupt piano “death” sound in Midnight) but was lost due to a corrupt PSD. Due to some hardships in 2017 I never got around to drawing this myself, so I asked my friend Christina for help with this. She was glad to, and we got finally done at the beginning of the year.


Do enjoy, and keep an eye out for William’s stuff on the Nintendo Wii store!

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This is a joke that I decided to visualize into a comic. Back when recording lines for Dawnstar in 2011, Sophia’s voice actor Megan Swecker came up with the colloquialism of “snuggling the ruins”. While years have passed by, we jab the joke at each other occasionally and it still holds merit with the character, I would think.


So consider this partially canon, that Sophia loves to hug up her ruins. Who knows?

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A few years ago, online dA buddy Skylanth was complaining how people would ask if she drew things while in public. “OMG did you draw that?!” they would exclaim. This began a repetitive question and she lost her patience in a journal one day:


“You know what? No, I ddn’t draw it. A man with a tuba on his head appeared, gave me this sketchbook and told me to PRETEND.”


That stuck in my head for a few years since I read it, but I was worried that I wouldn’t give it justice if I drew it out. I finally decided to just get it down as 3 years had passed since the idea was mentioned. Better late than never, I suppose.


In case you’re confused with this mysterious tuba-donning stranger, the face he’s making is the duckface. Just to help clarify things.


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This was a silly comic I doodled on my physics teacher’s markerboard in his office. As I’m getting ready for my group Tales of Symphonia cosplay at Animazement this year, our Raine from our group tends to be a little silly at times.


Here, I make fun of her casting Photon on a random passerby who doesn’t believe that “she has magic.” She would often talk in the “cheezeburger” speak, hence the “I can haz” type of language that’s going on.

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