
Decided to snap my breakfast this morning, as I don’t think I’ve shared you guys how my Mom’s blueberry goop syrup looks on pancakes. Something like this.


Not sure of the exact ingredients, but frozen blueberries are used. I think in this case a little bit of blackberries were used as well. Then some sugar was added for the final effect. Definitely better than the sweet butter syrup in my opinion.

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This one was a tad bit of a doozy; you have Reddit to thank for this fusion.


I recently saw a picture of an English breakfast, namely with the tater tots, brisket steak, eggs and mushrooms. I wanted to give it a stab to the best of my ability, so I decided to try it this morning.


While I do lack the steak, I did have the mushrooms, eggs and tater tots. The eggs were friend and do contain chives. I cooked those in short order; the blueberries were for a dessert, but as I didn’t get to use it and they were getting old, threw them into the breakfast as well. Bread and cheese was Mom’s contribution.


It was pretty tasty; though I need to get a lot better at making my egg looked poached and photographic. Also my mushrooms always seem to not have a lot of flavor. Need to look into that in the future.

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