
Okay, so this needs a little bit of explaining.


Back when I was taking Color Theory, we had to watch a movie called Exit Through the Gift Shop. While I’m not super artsy, it was actually an interesting documentary and I felt that it was quite compelling into showing the state of some pop art culture.


In the first part, a part was shown about a guy called Shepard Fairey, who made this campaign called Obey Giant. More or less it’s a simplified version of the face of Andre the Giant, often paired with the word “OBEY”. This was plastered around numerous places, even up to today. I spied my first variant of this icon in New York City on a billboard in Queens. I definitely felt “educated”, heh.


Well, lo and behold to my surprise when I saw this out in the wild at ETSU! This was little 2-inch square sticker, near their regular history museum on that path that ran near Gilbreath. It made me feel warm and fuzzy that someone was keeping up to date with the art trends.

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A couple years back, I was trying to get a story project going, based on some friends I had known at the time. I had even roped said friends into doing a cosplay with me, which turned out okay I think. I kind of made OC’s based on them and had started to put a faint storyline together.


Unfortunately it kind of bombed and I just swept it under the rug for a bit, but I recently decided to try to bring it back to life and reinvent it. While I successfully remade it with different characters, one character that still stuck with me that I wanted to keep, and that was based on Pri, the Steampunk mechanic.


Amy Clark was doing commissions at the time, so we both happily worked out a commission showing her character in a new, better style. I was real happy with it, and was able to successfully reinvent this new version into someone I had thought of.


Lineart by Amy Clark. Character’s namesake based off of Pri. Coloring by me.

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This fantastic piece was originally a sketch done by awesome dA artist MGilhang; took a few months for it to get done, but it was worth the wait. By then I had gotten a whole lot better with Photoshop in terms of coloring, so when I took to this piece it had a different level of quality over the pieces I’d usually do.


I couldn’t have asked for a better, sexier version of Britney from anyone, and don’t think anyone would be matching up to that for awhile. This is exactly how I saw her in my head and am thankful to see someone do her justice.

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This was a request that deviant user Deer-Moss did for me during this summer. She was grateful and skilled enough to portray my concept of an alien crab that I doodled one day. The watercolor adds a really nice effect to it, making it look like it came out of a nature book. Also some other people were quite impressed with it, apparently.


Watercolor on paper.

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I drummed this up last night, thanks to IveeSparrow (NoraSR13) for producing two Dawnstar sprites for me! I think this is generally what I’m thinking for with the layout of the game. Definitely have a very long way to go with the art, but I hope I improve as I go through ETSU. Hey, big goals, right?

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Decided to poke around with the Cintiq tablets in my classroom today. This was the result! I LOVE these things.


So I had a concept of what I was going to do for my Vector project, so I had to spend some time sketching out some stuff. I decided to do a vector of a spaceship flaming through space; realizing how spot on the tablets were, I decided to give doodle drawings a shot.


The result was a Sheena, Yukari and Ling Ling all going googly eyes at the pretty spaceship. Hence the name of the post, which roughly translates to “Ooooh, a beautiful space battleship!”


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This was something that’s been sitting around for awhile, but I had done this for my color theory class last semester. I had to use complementary color tones to show a piece and make a composition of; this was the result. Planetary Spacelines! As you can tell, I love using green, yellow and purple.


Acrylics on bristol board.

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