
One of the last bits of art from my first tabletop campaign. I actually did start this sometime in December of 2019, but with pandemic, the group quitting their play sessions and such, I never got around to finishing it. This night was the exception; while on voice chat with the ninja rogue from that same group, I worked on finally finishing this.


The journey’s been long over and it’s an interesting place to be 1 and some years later, but happy hunting, wherever your adventures will take you.

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I’m discovering a ton of footage I lost the past couple of weeks, including some old art recordings and footage from Orcs Must Die: Unchained. So those are queued pronto, as they’ve been sitting longer.

When I met my online buddy Wayc, I had created him a Kashri OC for him to use with stories, etc. In 2019 we had cooked up this sort of spoof of a zany 50’s story akin to the classic The Blob, so I was starting to do some artwork for him in a dump for inspiration. I had done more than these two figures, but these were the ones I supposedly decided to get footage of.

While that was for him and is not for public sharing, I can share the footage of what I’ve done at least!

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This is fanart for a series of old, educational videos from the 90s; dubbed the Assistant Professor: Trip to the Inner/Outer Planets. I recently rediscovered these through a listing on eBay, which was the old VHS of the outer Planets episode.

From a comment of a friend, I actually found that the original company was around, and I reached out to them about the show. A guy wrote back stating his daughter voiced the Nina character, and the head animator of the show voiced the computer. It was an interesting exchange, never thinking I’d even talk to the people behind it.

I did this little fanart as appreciation in my response back. I never heard back from them, so I hope you guys enjoy the effort of this partial lost show. I’ve linked an Amazon link here of the listing to help you track it down if you like.

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I put this together this week. I’ve been wanting to show how my Notikan race functions in a more normal environment, rather than “just standing up and being popey”, to quote an online buddy. This was a result of that, showing one greeting a pilot to his vehicle, having the role of a technician or sorts.


Thanks to @elucidator_arts for the figure lineart.

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For 2020’s NanoWrimo reboot, I decided to reboot my old Vigilance series, which is the first story I had ever made the 50K requirement for. I wanted a nice thumb to convey what I was going for when someone visited the page, so I accomplished that, at least!


Here you have the protagonist’s two love interests, along with a shot of the aerial battleship the story revolves around. And since this takes place in the Bermuda Triangle, beach and ocean was appropriate.


If and when I do publish, it’ll have a more professionally done cover. Just something to give a visual representation as I work on it in the meantime.

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For NaNoWriMo this year, I’m rebooting my Vigilance setting, which was the first story I got my 50K word award in 2008. I’m not sure if I’ll reach the goal this year, but I have a pretty cool idea where to take it, and have a couple outlines done. I put this together from a sketch a week back, as an event that might happen in-universe! I think I need to actually do some proper art 12 years later on the setting, especially now that I at least use a tablet.


And while I was drawing this, did have this on loop for a few times. It certainly helped with the mood, and probably had an effect on the final product.

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Had an early start today, and had the urge to put this out later on. Admittedly this was partially because of a Reddit post I had seen a few days ago, but I honestly have been in a sort of post-season funk with some of my projects. And considering I haven’t done a fully-illustrated piece since my birthday, it was time to change that.


I drew a lot of inspiration from this song, which I had looped on repeat for a few hours. I was in a full debate to make this a Halo-esque warzone or the rain, but I think the latter fit in with the tone I was going for.

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This was something I was working on since June, but had let it sit for several months. Partially pandemic inspired, too.


More or less my Janus Fairytale characters getting put in a lower island layer on their world, finding lots of strange fungal and plant growth. Old, eerie ruins loom in the back, hinting of a greater presence in the past. Small spore wisps sprout out of the grass, glowing with a soft orange light.


I listened to this for a bit while working on this, so I think it helped carry the tone I was aiming for.

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