This fantastic piece showcases an alien species I’ve had in my head for use in Dawnstar for awhile now, known as the etka. These turtle-like aliens have a very tortoise-like appearance, and have one extra set of limbs to use as arms. They are very versed in laser and plasma weaponry, and cannot speak actual words that humans can understand; hence the translators grafted onto their heads. They lay eggs and are quite adept to climbing with their four feet.


The male is on the left, with the female on the right.


I’ll do a more detailed writeup of these guys one day. Only time will tell.


Lineart by Christina Weinman. Coloring by me.

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I recently started trying out Hexels after seeing some people use in on deviantART. It’s an extremely interesting software and I definitely look forward to doing more with it. Did this in a short sitting when getting a hang of it; don’t think it came out too bad, but I have a long way to go with this. :S

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This was an…interesting idea to say the least. I’m just glad Christina put up with me on this one.


Basically I had this idea of an Alice in Wonderland scenario, except it was someone from an older period falling into a modern or sci-fi cyberpunk setting (neo Tokyo, etc). This was one of the first times I used stock photos for the background, and had a ton of fun coloring this together. Basically the girl in the middle is getting a good helping of the modern conveniences, along with meeting some cool peeps.


It was supposed to evolve into a story, and I had plans for this character to be actually decent at playing arcade games. I didn’t quite get further into the plot beyond that, though.


Lineart by Christina Weinman. Coloring and everything else by me.

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This was a gift I did for one of two people I was talking to a lot at the time; this person was someone I met at Animazement 2008, and had been talking to since. I had always joked with her fitting in right a home with my fantasy settings, so you could say this was a nod-off to that.


She liked it, and I even made a reference how she liked the hot peppers in the garden. So the entire idea evolved into her persona being a “harvest girl”. I had a lot of fun coloring this one, especially since I was trying some watercolor brushes I had gotten for Photoshop.


Original lineartist He-de. Coloring and everything else me.

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A few years ago, online dA buddy Skylanth was complaining how people would ask if she drew things while in public. “OMG did you draw that?!” they would exclaim. This began a repetitive question and she lost her patience in a journal one day:


“You know what? No, I ddn’t draw it. A man with a tuba on his head appeared, gave me this sketchbook and told me to PRETEND.”


That stuck in my head for a few years since I read it, but I was worried that I wouldn’t give it justice if I drew it out. I finally decided to just get it down as 3 years had passed since the idea was mentioned. Better late than never, I suppose.


In case you’re confused with this mysterious tuba-donning stranger, the face he’s making is the duckface. Just to help clarify things.


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This is the last piece of the Disney/Touhou crossover series currently. I may do more in the future, but for now the project closes out with this last and seventh piece.


For the longest while I knew I wanted to put someone in Reimu’s outfit but it took well over two years till I finally came to this combination. Special thanks to Animazement buddy AnnaC93 for suggesting this to happen.


Lineart courtesy Paola Tosca.

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Last week Tanya and I were drumming up ideas on how to spice up the Kickstarter page to draw in more visitors. One of her suggestions was to give a snippet of the work to the crowd to read.

It didn’t sound bad. Cook up one of the completed chapters, throw in the illustration for it and allow the public to get a glimpse of this project that we’ve been laboring over for a year now. I promptly agreed and got it online for backers to read over the weekend.

Today I’m sharing that link with everyone so that the general public can preview this preview work. This chapter is in both MOBI and EPUB for both kinds of readers (Kindle & iPad/Nook). You may download them from the links below.

Michiko Bates – New Beginnings – Janeil Harricharan (MOBI Version)
Michiko Bates – New Beginnings – Janeil Harricharan (EPUB Version)

Thank you for taking the time to visit. Please support the Kickstarter Project and follow our tumblr for updates (likewise you may visit my site here for general information as well). We have 17 days to go and can really use the support.


Janeil H.

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Hi guys.

I’ve been slow setting up my new site, I know. I didn’t even get to sit down the past two weekends and put what I want on it. But the e-mail’s up, and the domain’s up so you can come here at least. I think the biggest hair-puller was getting an image slideshow to work…

First thing’s first, I am moving forward with my first public publishing project, the Michiko Bates Chronicles. And I need your help. I’ve started a Kickstarter, and I would greatly appreciate the traffic and any support you can offer. Link is below. I only have about two and a half weeks left, and I’m finding out that my introvert ways and lack of social networks are biting me hard in the rear for outreaches like this. I also started a tumblr posting some of the images and such with the project, so follow that too.

That said, I’ll hopefully have this updated by the end of the month. I’ll be adding things daily and taking the time to do so. Please subscribe and keep a tab on things.



Kickstarter Link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/956273198/michiko-bates-chronicles

Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/michikobatesbooks

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