young adult

Heather gave a little grunt of effort as she shrugged into the clothes Tau’mi had given her. They fit almost perfect but were a little roomy; after all, Tau’mi was a bit more robust than a skinny stick and bones girl like her.

Heather had just finished, looking herself over. Despite being generic working clothes, she could clearly tell that Tau’mi had a higher standard of living than her. Heather couldn’t remember the last time she had a clean apron, or when her dress filled out like this with multiple starched petticoats. It made her feel important, warm and a bit comfortable.

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It was a rainy afternoon. The sky was gray with rainclouds, visibly swirling form high windows. Despite the warm weather that had graced Ellowwood late into the harvest, this had changed in the past few days. It was a signal that colder weather was approaching, and dubbed by local farmers as “The Storm of Reckoning”.

Despite having seen the weather earlier, Heather had not expected rain to approach so quickly, much less any. People were hardly about, windows shut and cleaning their yards of loose items. Within minutes of strong winds, the downpour had started.

And she was caught in the middle of it.

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Hi guys.

I’ve been slow setting up my new site, I know. I didn’t even get to sit down the past two weekends and put what I want on it. But the e-mail’s up, and the domain’s up so you can come here at least. I think the biggest hair-puller was getting an image slideshow to work…

First thing’s first, I am moving forward with my first public publishing project, the Michiko Bates Chronicles. And I need your help. I’ve started a Kickstarter, and I would greatly appreciate the traffic and any support you can offer. Link is below. I only have about two and a half weeks left, and I’m finding out that my introvert ways and lack of social networks are biting me hard in the rear for outreaches like this. I also started a tumblr posting some of the images and such with the project, so follow that too.

That said, I’ll hopefully have this updated by the end of the month. I’ll be adding things daily and taking the time to do so. Please subscribe and keep a tab on things.



Kickstarter Link:


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