short story

This is my first ever writing prompt I responded to on Reddit. I had seen the sub a few days before; while mindlessly browsing writing subreddits to get involved in, this had come up. The idea that while humans were the most pacifistic species, they could also be the deadliest.

This post in particular had gained a lot of traction in the sub, and it seemed like a great fit for me to try. So applied myself I did.

Apparently I did real good on this one over the others, and got several comments on this. Pleased was an understatement. Not bad for my first try.

Done in approximately March 13, 2016.

Note: My writing for Reddit writing prompts is different for brevity. While this is a good example of my writing, I often omit backstory and several details to create a concise post. Please look at my other works if you’re looking for my more regular style of writing.

Original Post



“Yes, brood?”

“Why do we not attack the humans? Are they not reprehensible?”

The multi-legged creature looked at its miniature copy of itself clinging to the mushroom tree.

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It was a rainy afternoon. The sky was gray with rainclouds, visibly swirling form high windows. Despite the warm weather that had graced Ellowwood late into the harvest, this had changed in the past few days. It was a signal that colder weather was approaching, and dubbed by local farmers as “The Storm of Reckoning”.

Despite having seen the weather earlier, Heather had not expected rain to approach so quickly, much less any. People were hardly about, windows shut and cleaning their yards of loose items. Within minutes of strong winds, the downpour had started.

And she was caught in the middle of it.

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