
Not going to lie, I often enjoy hopping in on certain writing prompts, and while I know the OP wanted one thing, go along with in a completely different direction. In this case, humanity gets a message to “be quite” instead of “be quiet.”

Very short, but very rofl.

Done on October 8, 2020.

Note: My writing for Reddit writing prompts is different for brevity. While this is a good example of my writing, I often omit backstory and several details to create a concise post. Please look at my other works if you’re looking for my more regular style of writing.

Original Post


And it was easy for humanity to be quite. You see, they were quite accurate in their starship development, sciences…even simple things such as placing a shopping mall on Mars.

They remained quite accurate, quite scientific, quite humorous, quite determined. The quite never stopped.

When they finally reached those that had responded to them, those aliens facepalmed. How they wished their scientist learned how to spell. Humanity was supposed to stay quiet, not stay quite. Now they were doomed.

But there was nothing to worry about. Because humanity had been quite for centuries, it was time for them to be quite again. Quite defensive, quite victorious, quite imposing.

And it worked!

Now as humanity spreads across the galaxy centuries later, the legend is passed down. They are the race that took the warning of “be quite”.

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While I was on my writing streak last summer, this was one prompt I had written a response to. I find that I like to “go against” the grain of most of the responses, if that’s a thing. A lot of people on this thread were “whoops, I got left here” or “I was serving a prison sentence here”. The architecture reminded me a lot of South Asian, so I tried to put that into a spin of someone visiting. A bit brief and rough, but I liked it.

Done in July 24, 2020.

Note: My writing for Reddit writing prompts is different for brevity. While this is a good example of my writing, I often omit backstory and several details to create a concise post. Please look at my other works if you’re looking for my more regular style of writing.

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Original Image (in case hosting or post goes down)


“How far are we out?”

“Not too far, we will be onsite in a minute.”

Va’shoo unsteadily fingered her pulse rifle. Their lance had been sent to bodyguard the Monarch’s “Paladin” on a personal matter. She had sent her and several of her sisters with this task. The young man differed from both their kind and hers; the olive skin and dark hair. He had been recovered in deep space two years ago, and his origins were unknown.

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I put this together this week. I’ve been wanting to show how my Notikan race functions in a more normal environment, rather than “just standing up and being popey”, to quote an online buddy. This was a result of that, showing one greeting a pilot to his vehicle, having the role of a technician or sorts.


Thanks to @elucidator_arts for the figure lineart.

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For 2020’s NanoWrimo reboot, I decided to reboot my old Vigilance series, which is the first story I had ever made the 50K requirement for. I wanted a nice thumb to convey what I was going for when someone visited the page, so I accomplished that, at least!


Here you have the protagonist’s two love interests, along with a shot of the aerial battleship the story revolves around. And since this takes place in the Bermuda Triangle, beach and ocean was appropriate.


If and when I do publish, it’ll have a more professionally done cover. Just something to give a visual representation as I work on it in the meantime.

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Had an early start today, and had the urge to put this out later on. Admittedly this was partially because of a Reddit post I had seen a few days ago, but I honestly have been in a sort of post-season funk with some of my projects. And considering I haven’t done a fully-illustrated piece since my birthday, it was time to change that.


I drew a lot of inspiration from this song, which I had looped on repeat for a few hours. I was in a full debate to make this a Halo-esque warzone or the rain, but I think the latter fit in with the tone I was going for.

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This is my first ever writing prompt I responded to on Reddit. I had seen the sub a few days before; while mindlessly browsing writing subreddits to get involved in, this had come up. The idea that while humans were the most pacifistic species, they could also be the deadliest.

This post in particular had gained a lot of traction in the sub, and it seemed like a great fit for me to try. So applied myself I did.

Apparently I did real good on this one over the others, and got several comments on this. Pleased was an understatement. Not bad for my first try.

Done in approximately March 13, 2016.

Note: My writing for Reddit writing prompts is different for brevity. While this is a good example of my writing, I often omit backstory and several details to create a concise post. Please look at my other works if you’re looking for my more regular style of writing.

Original Post



“Yes, brood?”

“Why do we not attack the humans? Are they not reprehensible?”

The multi-legged creature looked at its miniature copy of itself clinging to the mushroom tree.

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I briefly was on a small writing stint near the end of my birthday. I saw this writing prompt, and decided to turn it around and flip it on its butt. Suffice to say some retro, old sci-fi might’ve played a hand in my final result (the aliens definitely took a page out of The Jupiter Theft).

Done in August 18, 2020.

Note: My writing for Reddit writing prompts is different for brevity. While this is a good example of my writing, I often omit backstory and several details to create a concise post. Please look at my other works if you’re looking for my more regular style of writing.

Original Post


Truth be told I was horrified by these aliens. Being unarmed in just the NASA jumpsuit, was not something I was accustomed to. These floppy, tuby aliens of burgundy, with three eyestalks and two mouths. Their voice sounding like someone drowned. I was instantly grabbed and pulled down the corridor.

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For once, I actually get my Valentines art done! Please stay happy out there today. I know it may seem crummy if you’re single (I am, I know all too well how that feels), but it’ll work out. Improve yourself and be active about changing being single, if that’s what you want. That last bit is extremely important. Fingers crossed we’ll both get somewhere one day.


EDIT: I was told by my an online friend “to stop giving the bug girls guns.” I may or may not heed that suggestion.

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This was one of my most favorite out of the entire Inktober prompts this year, Freeze! This was very easy to come up a concept with, and this was pretty much the pose I had in my head when I saw the name. One of my online buddies thought that a “buddy cop” comic or story in this style would be fitting; maybe I might pursue that down the line.

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