
So this was a short reply I did last year. Not too much to say about this, but it was great to go out of my zone to a sci-fi root. I do miss writing sci-fi with spacecraft ops.

Done in September 4, 2020.

Note: My writing for Reddit writing prompts is different for brevity. While this is a good example of my writing, I often omit backstory and several details to create a concise post. Please look at my other works if you’re looking for my more regular style of writing.

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Well, the Prowler’s EMP shield held.

“Well, unless you’re some cosmic entity, you usually die when a nuclear weapon gets detonated in your face.”

The blast was fading as the starlight started to twinkle again. I could see my attack carrier’s light blinking starboard, dipping my nose towards it.

“The possibility of less…annihilation was possible to defeat him. But it was necessary to make sure his life was extinguished.”

“Yeah, tell me about it, Armadillo. Can I get my ass back on the deck, or do you need me to get milk while I’m out here?”

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I put this together this week. I’ve been wanting to show how my Notikan race functions in a more normal environment, rather than “just standing up and being popey”, to quote an online buddy. This was a result of that, showing one greeting a pilot to his vehicle, having the role of a technician or sorts.


Thanks to @elucidator_arts for the figure lineart.

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For 2020’s NanoWrimo reboot, I decided to reboot my old Vigilance series, which is the first story I had ever made the 50K requirement for. I wanted a nice thumb to convey what I was going for when someone visited the page, so I accomplished that, at least!


Here you have the protagonist’s two love interests, along with a shot of the aerial battleship the story revolves around. And since this takes place in the Bermuda Triangle, beach and ocean was appropriate.


If and when I do publish, it’ll have a more professionally done cover. Just something to give a visual representation as I work on it in the meantime.

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When I saw this WritingPrompt for being stuck with a life partner, I happily gave it a stab using my space pope archetype. Everyone was also “Umm, don’t know what to say”. Definitely had to change that trend.

It was a bit rushed, so my version here is a little fleshed out.

Done September 24, 2020.

Note: My writing for Reddit writing prompts is different for brevity. While this is a good example of my writing, I often omit backstory and several details to create a concise post. Please look at my other works if you’re looking for my more regular style of writing.

Original Post


I slowly blinked to existence. I saw a bunch of agitated couples about me, a female genie laughing her behind off. As I tried to waft the smell of smoke off of me, she noticed and glanced at a figure in front of me.

“And here’s your new life partner.”

The genie poofed into nothingness before I could say another. I was stunned for a brief minute, assessing my surroundings.

Aside from dozens of various freaking out couples, it reminded me of a fantasy version of those cityscapes I’d see on deviantART. I started to wonder about how I was going to get back to my old life, and what was my immediate future plans. However that didn’t stop me from regarding the person I had been ‘stuck’ with.

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For NaNoWriMo this year, I’m rebooting my Vigilance setting, which was the first story I got my 50K word award in 2008. I’m not sure if I’ll reach the goal this year, but I have a pretty cool idea where to take it, and have a couple outlines done. I put this together from a sketch a week back, as an event that might happen in-universe! I think I need to actually do some proper art 12 years later on the setting, especially now that I at least use a tablet.


And while I was drawing this, did have this on loop for a few times. It certainly helped with the mood, and probably had an effect on the final product.

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Had an early start today, and had the urge to put this out later on. Admittedly this was partially because of a Reddit post I had seen a few days ago, but I honestly have been in a sort of post-season funk with some of my projects. And considering I haven’t done a fully-illustrated piece since my birthday, it was time to change that.


I drew a lot of inspiration from this song, which I had looped on repeat for a few hours. I was in a full debate to make this a Halo-esque warzone or the rain, but I think the latter fit in with the tone I was going for.

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An art piece I did for my DnD friend Karomaz, who’s paladin character had their son kidnapped. I jokingly told them that my Kashri and Notikan characters would be glad to lend a hand in this matter, and this was the result. Sci-fi meets DnD 5th edition.


You have a few things going on in the back, mostly some Supreme Commander units, a Mechassault laser tank, a Halo Wars 2 Cyclops, and an original design trooper carrier based on those old sci-fi book covers. The antler lady in the back is their campaign’s villain, the Lady of the Woods.


He got a big kick out of it, which made me happy. So mission accomplished!

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For once, I actually get my Valentines art done! Please stay happy out there today. I know it may seem crummy if you’re single (I am, I know all too well how that feels), but it’ll work out. Improve yourself and be active about changing being single, if that’s what you want. That last bit is extremely important. Fingers crossed we’ll both get somewhere one day.


EDIT: I was told by my an online friend “to stop giving the bug girls guns.” I may or may not heed that suggestion.

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Got a bit inspired to do some stuff after my trip, and drummed these up! Here’s some of my characters in black and with gear, ready for some action with a experimental ride. Featured are Emma (blonde) and Peepee (blue hair). Admittedly, some old stories about the Skunkworks is what inspired me to do this.

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This was based off an old idea that I’ve been playing around with in 2009, and came to light now that I was posting my Reddit writing prompt involving the two main characters. I never really visualized who their mentor would be, but with some time to think about it, I think she’d look a lot like a Notikan, perhaps even be related to them.


Either way, I was happy with the Tomcat, the color palette and getting the characters down. A few people who looked at this got the point straight across; they gathered it was some time travel fantasy story. As long as that point got across, I’m happy.

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