
I almost missed this one, but was browsing Twitter one night when I saw that Moon Studios were having a giveaway, in which they’d hand out some Ori-themed merchandise based on who submitted artwork. They’d pick some they like, then give those winners a prize. I never tried entering my art in contests like this (I always thought I was subpar and kind of still do), but I just decided to try something and get a piece out there.


This was the final result. I wasn’t too happy on the background but the overall piece was all right. I definitely liked the concept! So I entered it into the competition. We’ll see how it goes.


EDIT: Wow. I actually got selected and won a prize! This is just mind-blowing and completely floored me. I never expected to actually win something out of this. Thank you so much, Moon Studios. You guys are awesome!


You can check out my prize here. I also got listed on the developer’s site as a contest winner!

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