
This was a strange dream I had back in 2018. It’s been with me for quite awhile, and while I’ve come to realize what I was going through, it was one of the first dreams I shared publicly at the time elsewhere. It’s high time I added it to my repertoire now that I am sharing my dream journal here, and with some thoughts from what I had learned in that time.

Original Dream Date: December 19, 2018

The dream starts that my parental family (mom, dad, siblings) took possession and ownership of my uncle’s house, who I’ll refer to as N. He was married to my dad’s sister, and they had an only child who is a cousin. We’re not close anymore and some stuff has happened that’s made me go my own way. It’s not great feelings, so this general sense of those feelings loom over me this portion of the dream.

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This was a commission I did for someone off of Fiverr, for a sample layout of their poem book. This was a bit of fun to do, and I really  got a chance to experiment with the background a little. It does look a tad bit wonky in my opinion, and that’s because I think my figures are now starting to take a more realistic slant in proportions. That’s a good thing, I would think; except when you’re halfway in between styles.

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This is the comic page that got the most attention. With over 400 upvotes on Reddit, getting posted both in other subreddits and even a Facebook group, it obviously struck a nerve with people. If it was good or bad, I have yet to see.


Now there was a censored version with this comic, and it was missing two frames of action. The subreddit was in a bit of a schism and I didn’t want the comic to feel like it was attacking anyone; but from the feedback I received, nothing was the matter and it was welcome. So I did the uncensored version a few months later.


This came on the height of a wave of posts over there, mainly from reps telling various people that their oils would cure things. From telling parents that it’d make their disabled kid walk again, to applying them to large open flesh wounds, and even a nutty mom who tried to douse her teenage son in essential oils to “get rid of his rebellious and moody behavior.” The latter especially served as a template for the mom in the comic.


Not much explaining here otherwise,  but it was fun to draw the squad in combat gear; took me a bit to figure out what kind of weapon Benthessia would use, but I kitted her with a shotgun as a nod off to Yorina’s armament. So please enjoy.


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A few years ago, online dA buddy Skylanth was complaining how people would ask if she drew things while in public. “OMG did you draw that?!” they would exclaim. This began a repetitive question and she lost her patience in a journal one day:


“You know what? No, I ddn’t draw it. A man with a tuba on his head appeared, gave me this sketchbook and told me to PRETEND.”


That stuck in my head for a few years since I read it, but I was worried that I wouldn’t give it justice if I drew it out. I finally decided to just get it down as 3 years had passed since the idea was mentioned. Better late than never, I suppose.


In case you’re confused with this mysterious tuba-donning stranger, the face he’s making is the duckface. Just to help clarify things.


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I went out with a connection of mine, meeting them in Johnson City to just get my mind off of some nonsense that was going at. We were originally going to go to an Indian restaurant, but they were doing that “siesta” thing where they close between lunch and dinner. So we ended up at Ryans’ instead.


I think near the end of us eating, I just wanted to top off so I made a face out of my food. She certainly got a kick out of it. Now if they’d have onion rings more often…

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