evergreen apartments

I was not getting a lot of hands-on experience cooking fish, but living on my own was putting preparing food more squarely on my shoulders. One afternoon I finally got an almost perfect mix of breaded, pan-fried tilapia. Flavored with paprika, pepper and salt, I absolutely loved this, considering the last time I attempted this as a disaster. As I’m moving out of my place next week after graduation day, this will probably be one of the last big meals I’m cooking here unless I can top this off with something else.

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This was an interesting dish I got to munch earlier today; and it felt even more rewarding since I cooked most of it myself!


The main dish was tuna pasta salad; yeast flakes, onions, mayo and canned tuna. Veggies were a bag of mixed beans n’ potatoes that you’d microwave in a bag. And the chicken side is just Wing Dings from Walmart.


Pretty good afternoon lunch if I would say so myself.

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