For 2020’s NanoWrimo reboot, I decided to reboot my old Vigilance series, which is the first story I had ever made the 50K requirement for. I wanted a nice thumb to convey what I was going for when someone visited the page, so I accomplished that, at least!


Here you have the protagonist’s two love interests, along with a shot of the aerial battleship the story revolves around. And since this takes place in the Bermuda Triangle, beach and ocean was appropriate.


If and when I do publish, it’ll have a more professionally done cover. Just something to give a visual representation as I work on it in the meantime.

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In 2005, I was basking in the sudden influx of uninterrupted Internet access at Walters State Community College. DeviantArt was my 2nd go-to place, I was getting a lot more writing done and I could use the Internet without having to bother what my parents would say.

A lot of time would be spent here. Hours beyond than what I usually needed to be at school. All because I didn’t have a proper computer at home, and didn’t have free Internet access.

It was one afternoon in early fall of 2007, I had joined a forum and discovered by the name of Game Maker. The people of the forum had recommended it to me when I have voiced how I wanted to make a game. I figured that I would bomb at computer programming since I had failed Visual Basic a semester before. What harm would it be to fool around with it?

Turns out I was wrong.

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I highly debated ever telling this story, even five years after it took place. The people that were involved had long gone their ways, and one of them ended us knowing each other on an extremely sour note.

However, if you take all of that away, it was one of my “adventurous” college moments. It also is one of the most dangerous driving conditions I’ve ever driven through. With all of the snow that’s happened in the last week or so, and having my own taste of winter weather this Sunday, I decided it’s time and okay to share this.

Okay, deep breath. Here goes.

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Originally this was a notebook sketch dating back to 2009, so I apologize for the quality of the art style.


To make a very long story short, I ran across a lady in school, but she was quite empty-headed and lazy to put it mildly. The breaking straw was that she had asked me to help her get a school assignment off of a library database, but it turned out that she was expecting me to do the entire thing, not just give her directions on how to retrieve it herself. I started to distance myself from her and stick to more of my online friends even more.


My feelings towards the situation was summed up in this picture; intelligent, well-read women confronting said woman and squaring off against her. I had stopped drawing people I had met in real life by then, but this was a special exception.


And moreso when I brought it to life in 2011, even getting to use my sibling’s Mac and my Bamboo tablet. Why digitally color it so many years later? It turns out she started going to ETSU too, and was starting to try to pull the same shenanigans again. While this time around I had real people to get support from, the initial sentiment still held true.

EDIT 2013: Years later, I related this story to a fellow classmate our final week of class. He laughed and told me “Raine and Sheena have to go save their world! They don’t have time to be your personal mafia.” As such I find his description very fitting, and am renaming the post to reflect it.


See? Your input makes a difference sometimes.

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It’s only recently I’ve started to take pictures of the markerboards in the DIGM lab. I’ll definitely be doing more of these, as there’s a lot of interesting things to be seen here.


While I was gone for a few days, I had left a rough doodle of the Tomcatters squadron. When I came back, I was greeted by all this nonsense. Most of them are people complaining about render times, but there’s a Dalek and a few other things mixed in there. You’ll even see a Reddit upvote/downvote arrow there.


Do enjoy.

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Okay, so this needs a little bit of explaining.


Back when I was taking Color Theory, we had to watch a movie called Exit Through the Gift Shop. While I’m not super artsy, it was actually an interesting documentary and I felt that it was quite compelling into showing the state of some pop art culture.


In the first part, a part was shown about a guy called Shepard Fairey, who made this campaign called Obey Giant. More or less it’s a simplified version of the face of Andre the Giant, often paired with the word “OBEY”. This was plastered around numerous places, even up to today. I spied my first variant of this icon in New York City on a billboard in Queens. I definitely felt “educated”, heh.


Well, lo and behold to my surprise when I saw this out in the wild at ETSU! This was little 2-inch square sticker, near their regular history museum on that path that ran near Gilbreath. It made me feel warm and fuzzy that someone was keeping up to date with the art trends.

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This fantastic piece was originally a sketch done by awesome dA artist MGilhang; took a few months for it to get done, but it was worth the wait. By then I had gotten a whole lot better with Photoshop in terms of coloring, so when I took to this piece it had a different level of quality over the pieces I’d usually do.


I couldn’t have asked for a better, sexier version of Britney from anyone, and don’t think anyone would be matching up to that for awhile. This is exactly how I saw her in my head and am thankful to see someone do her justice.

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This was a request that deviant user Deer-Moss did for me during this summer. She was grateful and skilled enough to portray my concept of an alien crab that I doodled one day. The watercolor adds a really nice effect to it, making it look like it came out of a nature book. Also some other people were quite impressed with it, apparently.


Watercolor on paper.

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The first thing that came to mind were the Red Flag stories of “going downtown”, where the populace was SAMs and other aerial threats. That’s exactly what came to mind when I saw this going into New York; this was the first time seeing the big city on a GPS, so it was very enlightening to say the least. If anything, it made me more excited.

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