As 2023 starts to roll around, I’ve done lots of self-reflection on myself. A lot of it has to do at a milestone point of my life, the winter of 2016. A lot of good and bad things happened that year; and while there was that swirling torrent of negative things that were going on, there were a few bright lights that made me look ahead and see something beyond that.

Mostly I looked at how my life could’ve gone different, and actually did have a ton of regrets with a lot of things. But, I found myself still coming back and thinking about those few positives that happened in that season.

Why am I mentioning this seven years later?

I think that’s exactly it; just time passing by, and still trying to sort out where I want to go in the future. And then you look back at happened, remember some things and wonder what’s going to happen to all of that. Moreso, what’s happening to all the things in my head that I don’t share with people.

To just preface, I don’t go around and say “I’m going to make this for people online to see!” I do keep quite a lot of things to myself, either for my own enjoyment or to share in person. But when 7+ years go by and you’ve not shared these things with a single soul, I do step back and wonder if there’s any value of those experiences to put in the public space. A lot of the time they do get censored and filtered to leave the interesting bits, protect privacy, etc.

I think that cycle does have to do with me aging and reflecting, for sure. Maybe that’s musings for another day; but today, I’m here to actually share something from that databank of memories.

Your late Christmas 2022 present is what my space was, several tunes and some munchies from the period.

This is also the first time I’m doing “read this blog entry to these tunes”. I listened to this on loop a few times while writing most of it, with some other stuff later in the actual post when that got repetitive. So feel free to have this play in the background as you read.

Consider this my holiday gift to you for 2022.

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Shoutout to Robuster and my sister for coordinating getting me this as a gift, under the pretense to do a playthrough of it. Which is fine by me, let’s get that done.

Not a fan of the Zurk parts, had a small rough edit because I kept failing several times. Why? Left Alt and Shift brings up Windows functions; so I had to remap the “Meow” key to something else. Succeeded on the 2nd try afterwards.

I would’ve put this out earlier, but I’m behind on actually getting content queued with IRL things. But I got some pretty nifty presents, and needed to get it warmed up with a modern game. So here we are.

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On December 8, 2021, ClientsFromHell.net announced that they’ll close their doors due to a lack of traffic. As quoted:

Dear CFH readers,

It’s been a long ride since our first post back in 2009. We admit we’re not getting the audience we used to, but we’re grateful you’ve been with us this far and we’re not done yet! We’re moving to NotAlwaysRight.com so that we’ll be able to continue sharing new and classic stories for more years to come. While CFH won’t look the same anymore, we hope you’ll give our new home a chance.

See you there!


While this may be sad to some, there were some users who had issues with their site; I being one of them. It comes down to one cardinal sin:

Heavy editing and rewriting of the submissions to match their vision.

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So recently I’ve been in a mood with my art, and usually that does result in me coming up with genuine stuff that I’m feeling. This was the result of some Gradius music, upcoming Valentine’s day and some IRL experience when dealing with people where I live.


This is that recurring redhead character in some stuff I write, although I don’t draw her often. I decided with all of that going on to draw her in my new style, and push it a little further this time.


I suppose you can also call it a continuation of a piece I did when the pandemic was in full swing, but yeah, there you go.


Outfit credit is the acclaimed Azure Empyrea from Honkai Impact.



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