Sheena Fujibayashi from Tales of Symphonia reaching out from a Garmin GPS, pointing to a driver to where to go next.

So, this has been something that I worked on in 2010. It was a personal flair for me, something I used solely for myself (and shared with my family), mostly for personal reasons and with some issues I was grasping with after my last anime convention visit in 2009.

I had an incomplete project that up to this day never finished. It was a fan crossover thing that was evolving into an audio drama! Finding amateur voice actors and actresses on Youtube, we did lines and it was up to me to put it together. However one character in particular I could never get the lines for. It’s been dormant since.

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Hello all!

So, about actually putting up a helpful article here…high time I did that rather than leave this thing up as a name billboard.

I got messaged by a fellow back in January right after New Year’s about woes he was having about a hardware error of a device I owned. Apparently he stumbled upon a forum post and found my page here (don’t know how that came about). Either way my solution was very…um, how to put this; unorthodox and not straightforward. I learned two things that’s prompting me to make this entry:

1. As “Apollo 13ish” as my method was and its works, not everyone may get what to do from my outline of steps.
2. This problem still occurs even after a whole year that I came across my hotfix.

With that I’ve making a more straightforward set of instructions that any average Joe should be able to follow. And as such, Yorina and Dyma are here to help walk you through this.

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Something I had decided to do for the holidays, but took me a bit to finish. But this was a retro-styled art of Aunt Maddie from a non-public project I’m working on; this is one of the minor characters of the cast, a curvy redhead waitress at a pub who’s the sister of one of the main characters. Here she’s strutting her stuff and dancing away; one of my other art friends noted how it had a retro feel to it, which I can kind of see that.


Original lineart by Hannah Clark. Coloring and everything else by me.

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Back when I was around in the RWBY community, this Pyrrha cosplayer who’s name I don’t remember was doing this “name feature” event in a Facebook post. She’d take requests from people in the RWBY group, then pose with their name while doing a “casual Pyrrha” cosplay. The result? Something like this.

I had managed to make it into the final list to get my name featured, so this photo was one the cosplayer released in an album. I don’t remember her name, but if I recall it I’ll update the post accordingly.

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This was an old drawn piece that I had done in my sketchbook back at ETSU, but decided to do over and give it a shot in digital a few years later. I had bought a bunch of brush packs in an attempt to paint better, and gave a few of those a shot here. These were all oil-painting type brushes, and I think they gave the effect I was looking for quite amply.

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