Janeil_H's Posts

I don’t quite remember exactly when I grabbed this book. It would’ve been sometime at the beginning of 2015; I was looking for fiction that specifically was centered around mushrooms. That may sound a little off-kilter, but I have a fascination with fungi, especially using them in written work. They’re interesting as a subject matter, truth be told.

Anyway, aside from two eBooks I had found, The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet popped up on Page 1 of searching. Unlike most of the “guides” that were popping up, this was clearly fiction. And it seemed to be aimed at a younger audience, so that won points with me as well. Lastly the idea of a “mushroom planet” did appeal to me, so I now naturally curious about the world inside the book.

I added it to my cart and waited for it to arrive. Arrive it did. Admittedly I didn’t read it right away, but when I finally got around to it, I was glad I did.

Our story begins…

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This is something I had doodled on Twitter awhile back. During one of Kizuna A.I’s video playthroughs of Detroit: Become Human, she had firmly declared “NO CARL” in English when her character was asked a question. Of course my mind went in a different direction and saw this instead. Sue my imagination for seeing Ai-chan actually pushing someone in a wheelchair around. >.>;;


Video clip for explanation (time-stamped for your convenience)

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Now and then we have contests in the Mobius PVE group. Most of these revolve around cartography data, finding griefers and even art contests. This recent one was for who posted the most amount of genuine content, which would result in being in the top ten contributors in the Facebook group.


The ten lucky boffins got picked, but I got special mention for the comics of the group! So when filling out the form to get my sticker packs, I had to upload “photo proof” of why I qualified for stickers. I got snarky instead, composing this instead of a screenshot.


I love Elite: Dangerous, I really do. But it’s a shame the only “fighter-like” ship is an Eagle or the things you launch. Even then, it wasn’t to my liking. So I doctored mine a bit. External missile points, a WW2 paint scheme and even a refueling probe on the nose.


Let’s hope the stickers get here soon.

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Such interesting breakfasts I have when I’m out of town.


Upon “landing” in Queens once again, I get this quick-on-my-feet breakfast of a banana, and a old-fashioned Dunkin Donuts. I was very happy with this to be honest. Considering how much fast food I had on the road while driving in.

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Finally am on the road again after this long while! I’ll be sure to update you with anything interesting I see. While I’m slotted to help drive on the way in, that time is longer into the evening afterwards.


So for now, I get to nap and lounge on the backseat. While out of date, I took the smaller GPS and plastered it to my window so  I can see a general trip progress. Hey, it works.

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Took this a short bit ago, this mushroom had sprouted randomly in the yard next to the shed. Dad didn’t mow it over, letting me look at it first.


I can say with certainty I’ve not seen a mushroom this big, especially close to the house. I definitely think it’s in the Amanita category; while it’s not the color, the 2nd biggest mushroom on the property was an Amanita of some sort, and has the same patching on top. So fairly accurate in the ID, I think.

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This was something I had done for the r/AntiMLM subreddit several months ago. It’s safe to this piece jumpstarted my current comic trajectory; after getting the feedback I did, I delved more into drawing for people such as Twitter requests, the Todd Anti-MLM comic among other things. I think it was a big change for me, and I’m happy it opened up other stuff for me to do.


Original post date April 27th, 2018.

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I’m heading out to NYC for awhile, and definitely plan to snag you some interesting photos if not stories for you guys. In my absence, enjoy this piece in the meantime. I’ve always joked about sticking someone with older-fashioned clothes in a car for a road trip, so I’m glad to finally properly get this illustrated.


Character Lineart courtesy Christina Weinman.

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I’m behind on these things, but I have a couple OC’s that I had scoured off Twitter to draw. This was one of them.


This is 8Bit_Witch’s OC of herself, used as her avatar for streaming/art. I wasn’t really planning on doing it in this style, but it kind of just happened. I was real impressed with it, as it was the first time I had drawn such a figure in a really long time. Like, years. I felt accomplished I was progressing once again in my art journey, as a goal is to properly draw figures so that I can tell stories.


You can view 8bit_Witch below:



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Decided to give this garlic shrimp recipe a shot. Wasn’t too bad, but it came out a tad bit hot because I didn’t have chili powder, and I used a fresh cayenne instead. Oh well; I did use small shrimp instead of normal size due to costs and preference, but that didn’t have an effect on the taste. Otherwise, it was great! I did pretty good for cooking shrimp for the first time, all things considered.

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