
This was a strange dream I had back in 2018. It’s been with me for quite awhile, and while I’ve come to realize what I was going through, it was one of the first dreams I shared publicly at the time elsewhere. It’s high time I added it to my repertoire now that I am sharing my dream journal here, and with some thoughts from what I had learned in that time.

Original Dream Date: December 19, 2018

The dream starts that my parental family (mom, dad, siblings) took possession and ownership of my uncle’s house, who I’ll refer to as N. He was married to my dad’s sister, and they had an only child who is a cousin. We’re not close anymore and some stuff has happened that’s made me go my own way. It’s not great feelings, so this general sense of those feelings loom over me this portion of the dream.

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When I saw this WritingPrompt for being stuck with a life partner, I happily gave it a stab using my space pope archetype. Everyone was also “Umm, don’t know what to say”. Definitely had to change that trend.

It was a bit rushed, so my version here is a little fleshed out.

Done September 24, 2020.

Note: My writing for Reddit writing prompts is different for brevity. While this is a good example of my writing, I often omit backstory and several details to create a concise post. Please look at my other works if you’re looking for my more regular style of writing.

Original Post


I slowly blinked to existence. I saw a bunch of agitated couples about me, a female genie laughing her behind off. As I tried to waft the smell of smoke off of me, she noticed and glanced at a figure in front of me.

“And here’s your new life partner.”

The genie poofed into nothingness before I could say another. I was stunned for a brief minute, assessing my surroundings.

Aside from dozens of various freaking out couples, it reminded me of a fantasy version of those cityscapes I’d see on deviantART. I started to wonder about how I was going to get back to my old life, and what was my immediate future plans. However that didn’t stop me from regarding the person I had been ‘stuck’ with.

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This was part of my Secret Santa that I am way behind on actually finishing. But this was for a pal I met a few years ago for her Christmas gift, picturing the two of us (self-portrait!) poking around in the mysterious bowels of the Internet late at night. I originally was going to go the “ancient alien/mysteries” route and depict some artifacts, but I wasn’t able to settle on a museum design I liked.


Hopefully this comes a close second. More serene than mysterious, but I was pretty happy with it.

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My sister got her room remodeled a little bit, and part of what she did was get a portion of her room painted with the “markerboard paint”. I got to try it a little, and decided to put this fantastic piece out with one of the markers.


Even though I’m in DIGM now, it always feels like science doesn’t get a fighting chance. I got inspired to make a motivational poster for people to actually like science and keep their heads on logically. I might’ve been doing digital art, but I was probably the only one around that still wanted to do things with science and a telescope.


Maybe when my skills get better, I’ll revisit this concept again and do a proper piece. Only time will tell.

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