
For having done some sort of Zelda doodles in the day, I’ve never really done any Homeworld fanart that I can recall (or at least, something serious and canon-related). I first was introduced to this series in 2008, and it is one of the most influential space strategy games I’ve ever played; so that needs to be remedied.


With Homeworld’s 20th anniversary coming up (along with the announcement of their 3rd game earlier this month), I did this as all I could think about was Karan S’jet and her “Banana Boat”, a nickname which many Homeworld players dub the Hiigaran/Kushan mothership. This led to the fruits on her head; the other objects are some items that some Homeworld players have jokingly mentioned she’d have in her tank in passing.


Indirect credit goes to DeepChrome, who had done a comic back in the old RelicNews days featuring Karan as the “BananaQueen”.

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I started doing comics again, and while I still have my AntiMLM series to kick back up, I’m trying to see if I can get some people interested and vested in the Janus Fairytale universe. And that’s to do some small crossover stories featuring certain peeps, typically involving themselves going about in the universe with a short story around them. In that way I hope that the stories get some awareness and hopefully a following!


Admittedly I haven’t written anything Heather related in ages, but that’ll change soon. Just have a lot of stuff I’m sorting through at the moment in real life.


But this is a test frame with a crossover from @gettingoutofmyhometown, with her character Emma! She helped pick outfit colors and I still have to come up with a backstory why she ended up there, and have half of her adventure plotted out. I’ll post more when I have some things ironed out.


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This was something I cooked up upon a person I’ve known from an Elite: Dangerous group called my Type-10 a space turtle. While this was nothing new, she had previous described other ships with varying names. I decided that this finally needed to be put down for posterity, along with sharing to the entire world.


This did get posted on Reddit with almost 1,000 upvotes and 25,000 views. Suffice to say it was well received. In fact, commenters wanted a Part 2. Looks like I have my work cut out for me.


Inspiration from CMDR Taranava.

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A few years ago, online dA buddy Skylanth was complaining how people would ask if she drew things while in public. “OMG did you draw that?!” they would exclaim. This began a repetitive question and she lost her patience in a journal one day:


“You know what? No, I ddn’t draw it. A man with a tuba on his head appeared, gave me this sketchbook and told me to PRETEND.”


That stuck in my head for a few years since I read it, but I was worried that I wouldn’t give it justice if I drew it out. I finally decided to just get it down as 3 years had passed since the idea was mentioned. Better late than never, I suppose.


In case you’re confused with this mysterious tuba-donning stranger, the face he’s making is the duckface. Just to help clarify things.


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