sword fight

This is more birthday art, this time for online buddy CMDR Taranava!


We have a joke about people that join MobiusPVE, attack players then feign ignorance. We call them Goldfish CDMRS, due to the perceived short memory of our “no PVP” rule. If you’re wondering why this is perceived as fishy (no pun intended), our group is all about no PvP. That’s the reason the group exists, and its very public knowledge of what it’s about. Someone joining Mobius then doing said actions are quickly scrutinized; you don’t join an well-known PvE server to do PvP.


That laid out, here we have Taranava taking care of unruly goldfish, Imperial Saber being put to good use. Having greeted them at the landing pad, she only finds out about the new players’ true origins, dispatching of them quickly.


This was actually based on another admin’s suggestion, requesting that I had her and some of her maids battling goldfish CMDRs. Looks like I may need to do a part 2 to fulfill his request.

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