space raptors

This fantastic piece was originally a sketch done by awesome dA artist MGilhang; took a few months for it to get done, but it was worth the wait. By then I had gotten a whole lot better with Photoshop in terms of coloring, so when I took to this piece it had a different level of quality over the pieces I’d usually do.


I couldn’t have asked for a better, sexier version of Britney from anyone, and don’t think anyone would be matching up to that for awhile. This is exactly how I saw her in my head and am thankful to see someone do her justice.

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When I was getting my feet wet back on the deviantART community, an artist by the name of Tonks_92 drew this picture from my Space Raptor stories. I liked it a whole lot, my cousin liked it a whole lot. In fact, he had it printed out and pasted to his computer hutch for a number of years. This is still a special piece for me because it kind of captures my ambition and ideal of the story for the time.

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This is a long blast from the past, when I was asking around on deviantART for people to draw my characters, this fellow did a pretty interesting take on my Jennifer OC and my main character out of the Space Raptors story.


Sadly the artist’s dA page is deactivated and I have no idea what happened to him, but if I recall his art style correctly, he did some pretty amazing stuff. I like to think he made it somewhere big doing illustrations.

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