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You should have a bit of fun with this page! I get to delve into my Kashri species a bit, so enjoy.


While their meetup went well, Vash’na tells Benthessia about her encounter of a hun, which ends up resulting in her getting arrested by starbase security. At least we get a win, right?


This page drew from inspiration of two particular posts that was floating around the week I drew this; one user talking about Lipsense people at an airport, and another was a user who censored a face when talking about an LLR botique. So those two got incorporated into that.


Vash’na came out real well here for some reason. All her face markings were spot on.

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I decided to try to mount a spare little markerboard sitting around at work onto my door. I also then decided to try to put some doodles on it to test! I think this works and I approve. Do enjoy the Startopia-like alien writing, with a flair of katakana influence.

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This was a plane I tried doodling one day on my Bamboo tablet. I had saved it and said I’d come back to it later, but never did. I should finish this one of these days.


I really liked how it seemed to be a mash up of an RAF bomber and a business jet. I think I had it in mind to make a military shuttle/courier.


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