marker doodles

At my workplace, we have a whiteboard in the little kitchen area. Nobody really does anything on it except post a motivational flyer now and then. So I tried to add some funny doodles a few months in. I was inspired by a Dalek meme I had seen in school back in the beginning of the years, so I adapted it a bit as if they were working the job I was. 😛


Unfortunately, my coworkers didn’t appreciate it. It got erased a day later and nobody made a single comment on them. I never drew anything on their big whiteboard again.

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This was a silly comic I doodled on my physics teacher’s markerboard in his office. As I’m getting ready for my group Tales of Symphonia cosplay at Animazement this year, our Raine from our group tends to be a little silly at times.


Here, I make fun of her casting Photon on a random passerby who doesn’t believe that “she has magic.” She would often talk in the “cheezeburger” speak, hence the “I can haz” type of language that’s going on.

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