is that real?

A few years ago, online dA buddy Skylanth was complaining how people would ask if she drew things while in public. “OMG did you draw that?!” they would exclaim. This began a repetitive question and she lost her patience in a journal one day:


“You know what? No, I ddn’t draw it. A man with a tuba on his head appeared, gave me this sketchbook and told me to PRETEND.”


That stuck in my head for a few years since I read it, but I was worried that I wouldn’t give it justice if I drew it out. I finally decided to just get it down as 3 years had passed since the idea was mentioned. Better late than never, I suppose.


In case you’re confused with this mysterious tuba-donning stranger, the face he’s making is the duckface. Just to help clarify things.


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