indian woman

This was a sort of practical joke I did for someone who wanted a drawing of their wife yesterday. They asked for them to be drawn in a pinup format, but I instead drew them as a Cadian Imperial Guardsman. Fortunately he thought it was cute, and the wife thought she looked like she could be the leader in a “badass” comic.


Honest I surprised myself, as I got my proportions down pretty good here. The eyes were a great shocker to me as well, though I went for black dots as the person had real dark eyes. I’m slowly getting up to par to do better figures once again.

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This was something I had done for the r/AntiMLM subreddit several months ago. It’s safe to this piece jumpstarted my current comic trajectory; after getting the feedback I did, I delved more into drawing for people such as Twitter requests, the Todd Anti-MLM comic among other things. I think it was a big change for me, and I’m happy it opened up other stuff for me to do.


Original post date April 27th, 2018.

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A couple years back, I was trying to get a story project going, based on some friends I had known at the time. I had even roped said friends into doing a cosplay with me, which turned out okay I think. I kind of made OC’s based on them and had started to put a faint storyline together.


Unfortunately it kind of bombed and I just swept it under the rug for a bit, but I recently decided to try to bring it back to life and reinvent it. While I successfully remade it with different characters, one character that still stuck with me that I wanted to keep, and that was based on Pri, the Steampunk mechanic.


Amy Clark was doing commissions at the time, so we both happily worked out a commission showing her character in a new, better style. I was real happy with it, and was able to successfully reinvent this new version into someone I had thought of.


Lineart by Amy Clark. Character’s namesake based off of Pri. Coloring by me.

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