
So when I run my Call of Cthulhu Ellowwood flavored game, I often try to make artwork and such for the guys. They hit a milestone in which one of their original group had to leave (they had a new job IRL), and had a small respite after beating their objective of a major plot boss. This is all who survived at one of the player’s farm, with their NPC sidekick Caroline. I have a replacement lined up for them thankfully, and they’ll engage in main quest lines once they get a new player. So only time will tell.


I need to start drawing full scenes like this more often. Still evolving with the way I draw, but since January have been losing the will to actually doodle things. Hopefully it’s seasonal.

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“Our world has some pretty creepy and scary things that we don’t understand. But you look up at the band in the evening sky, and realize that’s only a fraction of what you can’t grasp.”



Tried something new for Friday night, inspired by something I saw in an old college era folder. I’ll go back and revisit the head but hopefully it gets the point across.


To explain, Heather’s world is composed of several floating islands on a oxygen-based gas giant. Said planet has a ring system that can be seen in the later daylight and evening hours. So because of the world’s makeup, the sky always seems to appear a bit blue and purple when it’s dark, especially towards the the same hours. This means you have a very fascinating view to look up at.

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I started doing comics again, and while I still have my AntiMLM series to kick back up, I’m trying to see if I can get some people interested and vested in the Janus Fairytale universe. And that’s to do some small crossover stories featuring certain peeps, typically involving themselves going about in the universe with a short story around them. In that way I hope that the stories get some awareness and hopefully a following!


Admittedly I haven’t written anything Heather related in ages, but that’ll change soon. Just have a lot of stuff I’m sorting through at the moment in real life.


But this is a test frame with a crossover from @gettingoutofmyhometown, with her character Emma! She helped pick outfit colors and I still have to come up with a backstory why she ended up there, and have half of her adventure plotted out. I’ll post more when I have some things ironed out.


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