elite pve

This is a silly and long-promised doodle for the peeps over at Mobius PvE, with one of the head admin’s cat. There was a joke about the cat being the actual boss, and having his own personal Cobra Mk. 3 to fly around on and get things in the house.


While I did let it sit a bit longer than I linked, I’m glad with the final result. Apparently drawing a cat on a spaceship does turn some heads.

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Something I did for one of the people over at the ElitePVE/Mobius group; it was her birthday and I figured I’d finish up an old piece from January into a short comic.


The sassy and punny CMDR Taranava graces us with a worthwhile Anaconda joke. In the background is CMDR DEAMONSRUN9393, who is very grounded with anime tropes; hence his “nosebleed” reaction to Taranava perched on the Anaconda.


Mobius logo courtesy of Mike Northeast, and used with permission.

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