Robot Bee – Doodle
This was something I cooked up the same evening I got my used Intuos 4 tablet. I had also just bought a brush pack for traditional oil/watercolor patterns, so I was giving that a whirl too. This was quick and rough, nothing too developed. Also was trying to get used to using a big tablet like that at the time as well.
Dawnstar: First Yorina Concept
I’m not exactly sure when I started to do this drawing, but I know I was in Color Theory class and we were watching a movie of Exit Through the Gift Shop, a documentary about the street art movement. I honestly was getting a little bored with it and my mind wandered to Dawnstar, realizing I hadn’t quite visualized my Yorina character. I decided to give her a stab and try to draw her out.
This was the final result, and had her all done to this point by the time the movie had ended. The biggest thing I was worried about was the face, and I actually did make it passable. I was happy with the entire result, and that snark that showed in her face became engrained into her personality as time went on. Out of all the other Dawnstar characters that I drew, she had come out the best, ironically.
Basic Design 1 – Charcoal Study
This was a charcoal study we did in class today; the point of it was to get used to the drawing properties of charcoal and how to use them on mediums. The teacher took a bunch of random wood blocks, dumping them onto a table and having us draw still life. It was actually real fun, and it was great to take my mind off stuff like other classes I was going through at the time.
I’ll have to figure out how to scan this. While it does fit on a flatbed to a degree, the charcoal is quite smudgy and leaves a mess. Maybe a high definition photo sometime?
DarkStar One Ship in Physics Class
I had been a fan of the game DarkStar One for quite awhile, especially since when I nabbed it as a Christmas gift one year ago. With my new computer, it’s a lot easier to play it, and I’ve progressed well, glad to say!
During this day, I decided to draw the decked out version of the ship on my teacher’s markerboard. Most of the people in the class got a kick out of it, and when another student tried to draw something else we all joked how it wasn’t a “work of art” as the other thing. Eventually my professor erased it, but it was a funny class representation.
Toy Train Set

**Backdated for historical purposes**
One of the things I always wanted as a kid was a train set. This came about after an uncle gave my Dad some leftover parts of a defunct train set. All I had was the caboose and one track length to play with. Later on another uncle did provide a cheaper complete set that I could fool around with to a point, which was fun till the engine broke (it was some generic battery-operated store brand, I think).
Since then, I’ve always wanted a proper one to fool around with till about my later teenage years. This is me trying to imagine a new, complete store-bought train with the imagined bits of the old one I had. While I now realize a modern electric train wouldn’t be hauling a steam train caboose and coal car, little me was creative enough to smack old and new together.