
This was a commission I did for someone on Fiverr; supposedly they were trying to open up an online shop with the theme being A-10 memorabilia. I had a lot of fun doing this; unfortunately this seemed to be a one-off project, so didn’t get to work on it more.

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A couple years back, I was trying to get a story project going, based on some friends I had known at the time. I had even roped said friends into doing a cosplay with me, which turned out okay I think. I kind of made OC’s based on them and had started to put a faint storyline together.


Unfortunately it kind of bombed and I just swept it under the rug for a bit, but I recently decided to try to bring it back to life and reinvent it. While I successfully remade it with different characters, one character that still stuck with me that I wanted to keep, and that was based on Pri, the Steampunk mechanic.


Amy Clark was doing commissions at the time, so we both happily worked out a commission showing her character in a new, better style. I was real happy with it, and was able to successfully reinvent this new version into someone I had thought of.


Lineart by Amy Clark. Character’s namesake based off of Pri. Coloring by me.

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I’m not exactly sure when I started to do this drawing, but I know I was in Color Theory class and we were watching a movie of Exit Through the Gift Shop, a documentary about the street art movement. I honestly was getting a little bored with it and my mind wandered to Dawnstar, realizing I hadn’t quite visualized my Yorina character. I decided to give her a stab and try to draw her out.


This was the final result, and had her all done to this point by the time the movie had ended. The biggest thing I was worried about was the face, and I actually did make it passable. I was happy with the entire result, and that snark that showed in her face became engrained into her personality as time went on. Out of all the other Dawnstar characters that I drew, she had come out the best, ironically.

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