big skirts

This is the result of a joke from someone out of Mobius PvE making a joke about my previous piece yesterday. Apparently they clearly were able to ascertain that not only were the two gals the co-pilots, that also they meant a lot in the piece. As such, they made a innuendo joke about me being on top of things, which is a reference to the pilot on top/co-pilots on the bottom seating arrangement of both the Type-9 Heavy and Type-10 Defender. I thought it was a funny pun, and had to actually visualize this image that was in my head.


Morale of this piece? Make sure your copilots don’t mind you being on top of them. And Lakon should probably build better seating arrangements in their ships. I’m also sure those two would be pretty coordinated to fly like that; almost like those super robot anime things.

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This was a fun little crossover art freebie I did for @fungiwoman, who takes pretty spiffy mushroom photos on her Instagram account! Here I crossed her over with peeps from my Janus Fairytale setting, having a big get-together and swapping a variety of mushrooms. Elizabeth and company get a taste of Earth mushrooms, and fungiwoman gets some interesting samples of Talmeron fungi.

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This was in the works since last fall actually, but I only got around to getting it done within the past few days. But I’ve had this idea of taking a girl from each faction on Talmeron, and sticking them together as if they were getting ready for a harvest festival. This was the end result!


Lineart courtesy Christina Weinman.

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