
Sorry this isn’t much of a picture, but world, meet Kira. Kira, meet world. He’s my new betta, and sits on my bookshelf above my PC. He doesn’t have a bad setup, but I do have to change his water a lot more often because of no filtration system. Still, he has a pretty good life. Much easier than keeping a bit 30-gallon tank, I will admit.

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Sorry if the desk is a little messy, but I figured that someone would like to see what my computer is for all that I currently do, such as deviantART and the like. Meet the Millenium Mainframe.


This is an HP xl847. Windows Me OS (hence the name “Millenium”), 40GB hard drive and two optical drives, one being a DVD-R. Graphics card is an HP Vanta 16, and has 128MB of RAM. Optional equipment is the yoke on the bottom, sometimes for flight games.


Also I know fishie’s tank has low later, I’m giving it a cleaning in a bit.

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