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I literally spent an all-nighter on this. O_O
First, voting results. Benthessia was the winner by one vote! Everyone else was a tie in at second. That was a shock for me, and while I process what to do with that revelation, will plug ahead as promised. Todd now has a lovely Notikan women to stand by his side and help him out in the challenges ahead.
I spent a huge amount of time on the cockpit and the homeworld panels, but I really wanted to hammer what the Notikan homeworld was like. As much as I’ve written it by myself and want to portray in Dawnstar one of these days, I had to actually come up with something to show how their world looked. I finally settled on something partially ancient and a little regal, as a herald to their ancient Latin-like roots.
But Brayleigh, Todd’s ex-wife rears her ugly head upon seeing that Todd has a new friend. Looks like he has his work cut out for him.