
I decided to try to mount a spare little markerboard sitting around at work onto my door. I also then decided to try to put some doodles on it to test! I think this works and I approve. Do enjoy the Startopia-like alien writing, with a flair of katakana influence.

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My sister got her room remodeled a little bit, and part of what she did was get a portion of her room painted with the “markerboard paint”. I got to try it a little, and decided to put this fantastic piece out with one of the markers.


Even though I’m in DIGM now, it always feels like science doesn’t get a fighting chance. I got inspired to make a motivational poster for people to actually like science and keep their heads on logically. I might’ve been doing digital art, but I was probably the only one around that still wanted to do things with science and a telescope.


Maybe when my skills get better, I’ll revisit this concept again and do a proper piece. Only time will tell.

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It’s only recently I’ve started to take pictures of the markerboards in the DIGM lab. I’ll definitely be doing more of these, as there’s a lot of interesting things to be seen here.


While I was gone for a few days, I had left a rough doodle of the Tomcatters squadron. When I came back, I was greeted by all this nonsense. Most of them are people complaining about render times, but there’s a Dalek and a few other things mixed in there. You’ll even see a Reddit upvote/downvote arrow there.


Do enjoy.

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This was a silly comic I doodled on my physics teacher’s markerboard in his office. As I’m getting ready for my group Tales of Symphonia cosplay at Animazement this year, our Raine from our group tends to be a little silly at times.


Here, I make fun of her casting Photon on a random passerby who doesn’t believe that “she has magic.” She would often talk in the “cheezeburger” speak, hence the “I can haz” type of language that’s going on.

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