
I started doing comics again, and while I still have my AntiMLM series to kick back up, I’m trying to see if I can get some people interested and vested in the Janus Fairytale universe. And that’s to do some small crossover stories featuring certain peeps, typically involving themselves going about in the universe with a short story around them. In that way I hope that the stories get some awareness and hopefully a following!


Admittedly I haven’t written anything Heather related in ages, but that’ll change soon. Just have a lot of stuff I’m sorting through at the moment in real life.


But this is a test frame with a crossover from @gettingoutofmyhometown, with her character Emma! She helped pick outfit colors and I still have to come up with a backstory why she ended up there, and have half of her adventure plotted out. I’ll post more when I have some things ironed out.


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While this concept was something I’ve been wanting to do for a very long time, I started on it just around the time @gettingoutofmyhometown was having her Instagram giveaway. If you draw something with her character for the event, your art gets a chance to be featured, along with being given 3 entries for the giveaway.


So I did a different version of this piece, putting her character in as the protagonist instead of who I was originally going to go with. Honestly I think it came out well. She was impressed with it as well, going to print out a copy to hang up!


As for the story behind the original plot? I’ll do the original version I had intended first, but I’ve been making notes and I do plan on writing about it. But it involves a prototype space-superiority fighter, an old engineer looking for young blood to fly it, and a looming threat intentionally being buried under wraps.


You’ll definitely be hearing about this story in the future.



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Giveaway Announcement

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