
At my workplace, we have a whiteboard in the little kitchen area. Nobody really does anything on it except post a motivational flyer now and then. So I tried to add some funny doodles a few months in. I was inspired by a Dalek meme I had seen in school back in the beginning of the years, so I adapted it a bit as if they were working the job I was. 😛


Unfortunately, my coworkers didn’t appreciate it. It got erased a day later and nobody made a single comment on them. I never drew anything on their big whiteboard again.

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Working late at my new workplace for a few months, I think I’ve come to the conclusion that it is a little unsettling after staying past 5PM, even when there’s only one or two people left in the building. This particular night I was past 7PM, and was one of the last ones in the building.


When stepping out to head home, I caught this picture down one of the two long corridors next to my office. My door is to the utmost right of the photo.


I will state that it may not be that unsettling to you, but it certainly didn’t make me want to stick around.

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