
This was a strange dream I had back in 2018. It’s been with me for quite awhile, and while I’ve come to realize what I was going through, it was one of the first dreams I shared publicly at the time elsewhere. It’s high time I added it to my repertoire now that I am sharing my dream journal here, and with some thoughts from what I had learned in that time.

Original Dream Date: December 19, 2018

The dream starts that my parental family (mom, dad, siblings) took possession and ownership of my uncle’s house, who I’ll refer to as N. He was married to my dad’s sister, and they had an only child who is a cousin. We’re not close anymore and some stuff has happened that’s made me go my own way. It’s not great feelings, so this general sense of those feelings loom over me this portion of the dream.

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This was a sort of practical joke I did for someone who wanted a drawing of their wife yesterday. They asked for them to be drawn in a pinup format, but I instead drew them as a Cadian Imperial Guardsman. Fortunately he thought it was cute, and the wife thought she looked like she could be the leader in a “badass” comic.


Honest I surprised myself, as I got my proportions down pretty good here. The eyes were a great shocker to me as well, though I went for black dots as the person had real dark eyes. I’m slowly getting up to par to do better figures once again.

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