razer naga

As extremely odd as it sounds, I’ve only recently owned a second laptop. I’ve always owned the same one or done without. It was a monumental move for me to get a second laptop after the cooling fan went on my first machine, it also being the second new computer I had bought for myself. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the story of Novablade.

Circa 2010, I had just enrolled in ETSU and had just settled into my apartment near college. After being quite well-informed that my college courses were tech intensive, my family decided to get a laptop for me to do the work that I needed to do.

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While I’m getting into the hang of recording my Dawnstar lines, I grabbed this from Walmart the other day. He was pretty cheap (which is one reason I picked it up), and I could certainly use some more desk toys to decorate my workspace as I work here most of the time.


So I had some fun with him today, letting him pose with some of my recording gear on the desk. I think he’ll fit in right at home. No name as yet, though. Any suggestions?

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For the first time since I graduated from college, I broke out my Bamboo tablet to try to work on something; a commissioned fanart of Michiko when I had just started the project. I managed to fit my Christmas tree on the desk, and had plenty of room to fit what I needed. It’s good to be home for the holidays; work has been nonsensical and stressed the past two months.


I’ll upload a completed image of that work when I get it done.

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