
This was an art piece that was supposed to get done near Christmas, but got delayed for various reasons. However, I’ve had doodled a connection I knew back in 2017, specifically drawing her with attire from the Janus Fairytale setting. I took this a step further and wanted to do a “mystery” piece to give as a gift for the holidays. Despite being late, I finally got this done either rate!


I was real happy with the background and the lighting, it’s been a bit since I did something that was foreboding but not directly spooky.


You can check out said connection, who’s name is Sandra Shuman! She does art coaching stuff and does a lot of interesting things. Do check her out here.


Lineart courtesy Christina Weinnman.

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This piece was a big jump for me, because I pumped it out in one evening on my newly owned Cintiq tablet. I was so happy with how it turned out, though looking back at it I have a long ways to go to translate my better skills to the digital medium.


I don’t know where I quite got the idea for this, but the idea came from watching some recent Youtube videos from the Youtuber known as Markiplier. Specifically his playthroughs for the game Mad Father and Witch’s House. I guess that rubbed off from somewhere.

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